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This repository we will see dockerized spring boot microservice using docker, docker-compose. The application container connect with local database to stored data instead of docker DB

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Docker, Docker-composer with advance-spring-boot-microservice



The architecture is composed by five services:

  • micro-api-getway: Dockerizing API Gateway Service using docker and docker-compose.

  • micro-eureka-server: Dockerizing Eureka Service using docker and docker-compose.

  • micro-auth-service: Dockerizing Authorization Service using docker and docker-compose application connection with two deferent database local database and docker database

  • micro-item-service: Dockerizing Item Service using docker and docker-compose application connection with two deferent database local database and docker database

  • micro-sales-service: Dockerizing Sales Service using docker and docker-compose application connection with two deferent database local database and docker database

microservice-docker-compose: Dockerizing microservice using docker-compose apllication connect with local/remote database

Tools you will need

  • Maven 3.0+ is your build tool
  • JDK 1.8
  • Local MySQL Server and Dockerized MySQL Server
  • Docker version 19
  • docker-compose version 1.27.4

Create Dockerfile for all services

Create .jar with Maven by build application

$ cd dockerized-spring-boot-microservice

$ pwd

$ ls
micro-auth-service  micro-eureka-service  micro-gateway-service  micro-item-service  micro-sales-service  pom.xml

$ mvn clean install

Run the Spring Boot application using terminal

$ java -jar micro-eureka-service/target/micro-eureka-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
$ java -jar micro-auth-service/target/micro-auth-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
$ java -jar micro-item-service/target/micro-item-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -jar micro-sales-service/target/micro-sales-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -jar micro-gateway-service/target/micro-gateway-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Next, we containerize this application by adding a Dockerfile:

See the Dockerfile at the root of the project? We only need this Dockerfile text file to dockerize the Spring Boot application. now we will cover the two most commonly used approaches:

  • Dockerfile – Specifying a file that contains native Docker commands to build the image
  • Maven – Using a Maven plugin to build the image

Below we create simple Dockerfile under the project like as:

Screenshot from 2020-12-08 11-29-59

Docker File


A Dockerfile is a text file, contains all the commands to assemble the docker image. Review the commands in the Dockerfile:

It creates a docker image base on openjdk:8 and download jdk from Docker Hub This base image openjdk:8 is just an example, we can find more base images from the official Docker Hub

FROM openjdk:8


A volume is a persistent data stored it used to stored log file into the local directory in the define location

VOLUME /app/log


This tells Docker to copy files from the local file-system to a specific folder inside the build image. Here, we copy our .jar file to the build image inside target/X.X.0.1.jar

The ADD command requires a source and a destination.

If source is a file, it is simply copied to the destination directory.

ADD target/X.X.0.1.jar X.X.0.1.jar
  • If source is a file, it is simply copied to the destination directory.
  • If source is a directory, its contents are copied to the destination, but the directory itself is not copied.
  • source can be either a tarball or a URL (as well).
  • source needs to be within the directory where the docker build command was run.
  • Multiple sources can be used in one ADD command.


Writing EXPOSE in your Dockerfile, is merely a hint that a certain port is useful. Docker won’t do anything with that information by itself.

Defining a port as “exposed” doesn’t publish the port by itself.



Run the jar file with ENTRYPOINT.

<instruction> [“executable”, “parameter”]

ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "Hello World"] (exec form)

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "X.X.0.1.jar"]

Eureka Service

Eureka Server is an application that holds the information about all client-service applications. Every Micro service will register into the Eureka server and Eureka server knows all the client applications running on each port and IP address. Eureka Server is also known as Discovery Server.

Dockerizing the Eureka Service using Dockerfile

The content of the file itself can look something like this:

Screenshot from 2020-12-08 11-00-07

Build the image using this Dockerfile.

Move to the root directory of the application and run this command:

$ cd micro-eureka-service/

$ pwd

$ ls
Dockerfile  pom.xml  src  target

$ docker build . -t eureka-server:0.1

Run docker eureka-server image

Start the docker container eureka-server:0.1, run the micro-eureka-service/target/micro-eureka-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file during startup.

  • Add run -d to start the container in detach mode – run the container in the background.
  • Add run -p to map ports.
  • Add run --name to create container name
  • Add eureka-server:0.1 image name
$ docker run -d \
	-p 8761:8761 \
	--name eureka \

After successfully run then we will refresh Eureka Discovery-Service URL: http://localhost:8761

Authorization Service

An Authorization Server issues tokens to client applications on behalf of a Resource Owner for use in authenticating subsequent API calls to the Resource Server. The Resource Server hosts the protected resources, and can accept or respond to protected resource requests using access tokens.

Run the Spring Boot application using terminal

$ java -jar micro-auth-service/target/micro-auth-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 

Dockerizing the Authorization Service using Dockerfile

First of all we need to change the database connection details and eureka server ip of the

  • container name i.e.eureka instead of localhost. The eureka must be container name of eureka server

  • hostname i.e.mysqldb instead of localhost in url. The mysqldb must have database hostname

    url: jdbc:mysql://mysqldb:3306/spring_rest?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
    username: [local_db_username]
    password: [local_db_password]
      defaultZone: http://eureka:8761/eureka/
    prefer-ip-address: true

The content of the file itself can look something like this:

Screenshot from 2020-12-08 11-00-13

Build the image using this Dockerfile.

Move to the root directory of the application and run this command:

$ cd micro-auth-service/

$ pwd

$ ls
Dockerfile  pom.xml  src  target

$ mvn clean install

$ docker build . -t auth-server:0.1

Run docker auth-server image

Start the docker container auth-server:0.1, run the micro-auth-service/target/micro-auth-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file during startup.

Run authorization service using docker

  • Add run --nameto create container name
  • Add run -p to map ports.
  • Add run -v to map stored log file into the local directory
  • Add run ---add-host to connect remote database from container application
  • Add run --link to connect eureka container
  • Add run -d to start the container in detach mode – run the container in the background.
  • Add auth-server:0.1 image name

Authorization service run with local/remote database

$ docker run --name auth \
        -p 9191:9191 \
        -v /opt/docker/log:/app/log \
        --add-host mysqldb: \
        --link eureka:eureka \
        -d auth-server:0.1  

After sucessfully run we can refresh Eureka Discovery-Service URL: http://localhost:8761 will see auth-server instance gate will be running on 8280 port

Test Authorization Service

Get Access Token

Let’s get the access token for admin by passing his credentials as part of header along with authorization details of appclient by sending client_id client_pass username userpsssword

Now hit the POST method URL via POSTMAN to get the OAUTH2 token.


Now, add the Request Headers as follows −

  • Authorization − Basic Auth with your Client Id and Client secret

  • Content Type − application/x-www-form-urlencoded Screenshot from 2020-12-09 10-22-05

Now, add the Request Parameters as follows −

  • grant_type = password
  • username = your username
  • password = your password Screenshot from 2020-12-09 10-22-12

HTTP POST Response

  "scope":"read write"

Item Service -resource service

Now we will see micro-item-service as a resource service. The micro-item-service a REST API that lets you CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) products. It creates a default set of items when the application loads using an ItemApplicationRunner bean.

Run the Spring Boot application using terminal

$ java -jar micro-item-service/target/micro-item-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Dockerizing the Item Service using Dockerfile

First of all we need to change the database connection and eureka server ip of the

  • container name i.e.eureka instead of localhost. The eureka must be container name of eureka server
  • hostname i.e.itemdb instead of localhost in url. The itemdb must have database hostname
  • container name i.e.auth instead of localhost The auth must be container name of auth server


The content of the file itself can look something like this:

Screenshot from 2020-12-10 11-42-42

Build the image using this Dockerfile.

Move to the root directory of the application and run this command:

$ cd micro-item-service/

$ pwd

$ ls
Dockerfile  pom.xml  src  target

$ mvn clean install

$ docker build . -t item-server:0.1

Run docker item-server image

Start the docker container item-server:0.1, run the micro-item-service/target/micro-item-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file during startup.

Run item service using docker

  • Add run --nameto create container name
  • Add run -p to map ports.
  • Add run -v to map stored log file into the local directory
  • Add run ---add-host to connect remote database from container application
  • Add run --link to connect with eureka and auth container
  • Add run -d to start the container in detach mode – run the container in the background.
  • Add item-server:0.1 image name

Item service run with local/remote database

$ docker run --name item \
        -p 8280:8280 \
        -v /opt/docker/log:/app/log \
        --add-host itemdb: \
        --link eureka:eureka \
        --link auth:auth \
        -d item-server:0.1  

After sucessfully run we can refresh Eureka Discovery-Service URL: http://localhost:8761 will see item-server instance gate will be running on 8280 port

Test HTTP GET Request on item-service -resource service

curl --request GET 'localhost:8280/item-api/item/find' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'
  • Here [http://localhost:8280/item-api/item/find] on the http means protocol, localhost for hostaddress 8280 are sales service port, item-api are application context path of item service and /item/find is method URL.

  • Here [Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'] Bearer is toiken type and 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787 is auth service provided token

For getting All API Information

On this repository we will see docerized-microservice-architecture.postman_collection.json file, this file have to import on postman then we will ses all API information for testing api.

Sales Service -resource service

Now we will see micro-sales-service as a resource service. The micro-sales-service a REST API that lets you CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) products. It creates a default set of sales info when the application loads using an SalesApplicationRunner bean.

Run the Spring Boot application using terminal

$ java -jar micro-sales-service/target/micro-sales-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Dockerizing the sales Service using Dockerfile

First of all we need to change the database connection and eureka server ip of the

  • container name i.e.eureka instead of localhost. The eureka must be container name of eureka server
  • hostname i.e.salesdb instead of localhost in url. The salesdb must have database hostname
  • container name i.e.auth instead of localhost The auth must be container name of auth server


The content of the file itself can look something like this:

Screenshot from 2020-12-08 10-59-42

Build the image using this Dockerfile.

Move to the root directory of the application and run this command:

$ cd micro-sales-service/

$ pwd

$ ls
Dockerfile  pom.xml  src  target

$ mvn clean install

$ docker build . -t sales-server:0.1

Run docker sales-server image

Start the docker container sales-server:0.1, run the micro-sales-service/target/micro-sales-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file during startup.

Run sales service using docker

  • Add run --nameto create container name
  • Add run -p to map ports.
  • Add run -v to map stored log file into the local directory
  • Add run ---add-host to connect remote database from container application
  • Add run --link to connect with eureka and auth container
  • Add run -d to start the container in detach mode – run the container in the background.
  • Add sales-server:0.1 image name

Item service run with local/remote database

$ docker run --name sales \
        -p 8380:8380 \
        -v /opt/docker/log:/app/log \
        --add-host salesdb: \
        --link eureka:eureka \
        --link auth:auth \
        -d sales-server:0.1  

After sucessfully run we can refresh Eureka Discovery-Service URL: http://localhost:8761 will see sales-server instance gate will be run on http://localhost:8380 port

Test HTTP GET Request on sales service -resource service

curl --request GET 'localhost:8380/sales-api/sales/find' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'
  • Here [http://localhost:8380/sales-api/sales/find] on the http means protocol, localhost for hostaddress 8380 are sales service port, sales-api are application context path of item service and /sales/find is method URL.

  • Here [Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'] Bearer is toiken type and 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787 is auth service provided token

For getting All API Information

On this repository we will see dockerzide-microservice-architecture.postman_collection.json file, this file have to import on postman then we will ses all API information for testing api.

API Gateway Service

Gateway Server is an application that transmit all API to desire services. every resource services information such us: service-name, context-path will beconfigured into the gateway service and every request will transmit configured services by gateway

Run the Spring Boot application using terminal

$ java -jar micro-gateway-service/target/micro-gateway-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Dockerizing the gateway Service using Dockerfile

First of all we need to change the eureka server ip in the

  • container name i.e.eureka instead of localhost. The eureka must be container name of eureka server

The content of the file itself can look something like this:

Screenshot from 2020-12-10 12-28-32

Build the image using this Dockerfile.

Move to the root directory of the application and run this command:

$ cd micro-gateway-service/

$ pwd

$ ls
Dockerfile  pom.xml  src  target

$ mvn clean install

$ docker build . -t gateway-server:0.1

Run docker gateway-server image

Start the docker container sales-server:0.1, run the micro-gateway-service/target/micro-gateway-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file during startup.

Run gateway service using docker

  • Add run --nameto create container name
  • Add run -p to map ports.
  • Add run -v to map stored log file into the local directory
  • Add run --link to connect with eureka and auth container
  • Add run -d to start the container in detach mode – run the container in the background.
  • Add gateway-server:0.1 image name

Gateway service run

$ docker run --name gateway \
        -p 8180:8180 \
        -v /opt/docker/log:/app/log \
        --link eureka:eureka \
        -d gateway-server:0.1  

After sucessfully run we can refresh Eureka Discovery-Service URL: http://localhost:8761 will see gateway-server on eureka dashboard. the gateway instance will be run on http://localhost:8180 port

Screenshot from 2020-11-15 11-21-33

After we seen start auth, sales, item, zuul instance then we can try dockerized-microservice-architecture.postman_collection.json imported API from postman with token. then we will pass request by gateway-service using 8180 port that is gateway port

POST Request on auth service by gateway service

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8180/auth-api/oauth/token' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic bW9iaWxlOnBpbg==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=ahasan' \
--data-urlencode 'password=ahasan'
  • Here [http://localhost:8180/auth-api/oauth/token] on the http means protocol, localhost for host address 8180 are gateway service port because every api will be transmit by the gateway service, auth-api are application context path of item service and /oauth/token is method URL.

GET Request on sales service by gateway service

curl --request GET 'localhost:8180/sales-api/sales/find' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'
  • Here [http://localhost:8180/sales-api/sales/find] on the http means protocol, localhost for hostaddress 8180 are gateway service port because every api will be transmit by the gateway service, sales-api are application context path of item service and /sales/find is method URL.
  • Here [Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'] Bearer is toiken type and 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787 is auth service provided token

GET Request on item-service by gateway service

curl --request GET 'localhost:8180/item-api/item/find' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'
  • Here [http://localhost:8280/item-api/item/find] on the http means protocol, localhost for hostaddress 8180 are gateway service port because every api will be transmit by the
    gateway service, item-api are application context path of item service and /item/find is method URL.

  • Here [Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'] Bearer is toiken type and 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787 is auth service provided token

Deployment on docker-compose

Remove running container of this name

$ dokcer rm -f eureka auth item sales gateway

$ dokcer rmi -f eureka-server:0.1 auth-server:0.1 item-server:0.1 
				sales-server:0.1 gateway-server:0.1

Create docker-compose file in root directory of the application

version: "3.8"


                build: ./micro-eureka-service/
                image: eureka-server:0.1
                container_name: eureka
                        - "8761:8761"
                                        cpus: '0.50'
                                        memory: 512M
                build: ./micro-auth-service/
                image: auth-server:0.1
                container_name: auth
                        - "9191:9191"
                        - "mysqldb:"
                        - eureka
                # depends_on:
                #         - eureka
                        - /opt/docker/log:/app/log
                                        cpus: '0.50'
                                        memory: 1G

                build: ./micro-item-service/
                image: item-server:0.1
                container_name: item
                        - "8280:8280"
                        - "itemdb:"
                        - eureka
                        - auth
                        - gateway
                        - /opt/docker/log:/app/log
                                        cpus: '0.50'
                                        memory: 512M
                build: ./micro-sales-service/
                image: sales-server:0.1
                container_name: sales
                        - "8380:8380"
                        - "salesdb:"
                        - eureka
                        - auth
                        - gateway
                        - /opt/docker/log:/app/log
                                        cpus: '0.50'
                                        memory: 512M

                build: ./micro-gateway-service/
                image: gateway-server:0.1
                container_name: gateway
                        - eureka
                        - "8180:8180"
                                        cpus: '0.50'
                                        memory: 512M
                driver: bridge  
                        driver: default
                                - subnet: ""
  • version "3.8": This denotes that we are using version 3 of Docker Compose, and Docker will provide the appropriate features. At the time of writing this article, version 3.7 is latest version of Compose.
  • services: This section defines all the different containers we will create. In our example, we have two services, web and database.
  • eureka: This is the name of our Eureka container name.
  • auth: This is the name of our authorization container name.
  • item: This is the name of our Item container name.
  • sales: This is the name of our Sales container name.
  • gateway: This is the name of our Gateway container name.
  • build: This specifies the location of our Dockerfile, and . represents the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located.
  • ports: This is used to map the container’s ports to the host machine.
  • extra_hosts This is used to map local database from container
  • volumes: This is just like the -v option for mounting disks in Docker. In this example, we attach our code files directory to the containers’ ./code directory. This way, we won’t have to rebuild the images if changes are made.
  • links: This will link one service to another. For the bridge network, we must specify which container should be accessible to which container using links.
  • image: If we don’t have a Dockerfile and want to run a service using a pre-built image, we specify the image location using the image clause. Compose will fork a container from that image.
  • environment: The clause allows us to set up an environment variable in the container. This is the same as the -e argument in Docker when running a container.

Build and Run the images using docker-composer

Move to the root directory of the application and run this command:

$ cd dockerized-spring-boot-microservice/

$ pwd

$ ls
micro-auth-service  micro-gateway-service  micro-sales-service  micro-eureka-service micro-item-service  pom.xml  docker-compose.yml

$ mvn clean install

$ docker-compose up

To see the running containers logs on the terminal

$ docker logs -f eureka

$ docker logs -f auth

$ docker logs -f item

$ dokcer logs -f sales

$ docker logs -f gateway

After sucessfully run we can refresh Eureka Discovery-Service URL: http://localhost:8761 will see gateway-server on eureka dashboard. the gateway instance will be run on http://localhost:8180 port

Screenshot from 2020-11-15 11-21-33

After we seen start auth, sales, item, zuul instance then we can try dockerized-microservice-architecture.postman_collection.json imported API from postman with token. then we will pass request by gateway-service using 8180 port that is gateway port

POST Request on auth service by gateway service

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8180/auth-api/oauth/token' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic bW9iaWxlOnBpbg==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=ahasan' \
--data-urlencode 'password=ahasan'
  • Here [http://localhost:8180/auth-api/oauth/token] on the http means protocol, localhost for host address 8180 are gateway service port because every api will be transmit by the gateway service, auth-api are application context path of item service and /oauth/token is method URL.

GET Request on sales service by gateway service

curl --request GET 'localhost:8180/sales-api/sales/find' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'
  • Here [http://localhost:8180/sales-api/sales/find] on the http means protocol, localhost for hostaddress 8180 are gateway service port because every api will be transmit by the gateway service, sales-api are application context path of item service and /sales/find is method URL.
  • Here [Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'] Bearer is toiken type and 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787 is auth service provided token

GET Request on item-service by gateway service

curl --request GET 'localhost:8180/item-api/item/find' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'
  • Here [http://localhost:8280/item-api/item/find] on the http means protocol, localhost for hostaddress 8180 are gateway service port because every api will be transmit by the
    gateway service, item-api are application context path of item service and /item/find is method URL.

  • Here [Authorization: Bearer 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787'] Bearer is toiken type and 62e2545c-d865-4206-9e23-f64a34309787 is auth service provided token


This repository we will see dockerized spring boot microservice using docker, docker-compose. The application container connect with local database to stored data instead of docker DB







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