Watches your TV show video files... and adds subtitle by ahuh (2016)
SubZero is a subtitle autodownloader for TV show video files.
Features :
Watches your incoming video files folder for new files to process
Filename analysis with information extraction (TV show name, season, episodes, title, release group) from multiple patterns (see examples below)
Support of subleecher plugins, to fetch subtitles from multiple web sites
Support of multiple languages subtitles : if it does not find subtitle for the first specified language, it tries to find subtitle for the next language
Support of post-processing plugin, launched after subtitle retrieval. By default, you may move video and subtitle files to an output folder (supporting TV show name / season / episode token replacement), and merge both files as MKV file (with MKVMerge)
Report and technical logs (with log4j)
By default, SubZero is a SysTray application, but it can run as a background process with no GUI (daemon)
TV Show Name 1x15 Episode Title TV x264-ReleaseGroup.mkv
TV Show Name 1x15x16-ReleaseGroup.mkv
- Java 1.7 installed (JRE or JDK)
- MKVMerge installed (if used as post-processing plugin)
For all operating systems:
Executable JAR (double-click on it), in 'SysTray' mode
Execute JAR from java command line, in 'SysTray' mode
java -jar Subzero.jar
Execute JAR from java command line, in 'Headless' mode (no GUI)
java -Dheadless -jar SubZero.jar
Execute JAR from java command line, using the '' located in the specified config dir
java -DconfigDir=path/to/dir -jar SubZero.jar
For Windows:
Executable (double-click on it), in 'SysTray' mode
At first execution, if not present the '' will be generated in the same directory as 'SubZero.jar' or 'SubZero.exe'. If a '-DconfigDir' is specified, this directory is used instead. Configure the file '' (see the file content for help).
Released under MIT license: