Remix template for creating full-stack apps.
- Email/Password authentication with cookie-based sessions
- Conform for Progressively Enhanced and fully type safe forms
- Docker and Docker Compose containerization
- ESLint for linting
- GitHub Actions for CI
- Playwright for integration tests
- PostgreSQL database
- Prettier code formatting
- Prisma database ORM
- shadcn/ui React component library
- Storybook component explorer
- Tailwind for styling ❤️
- TypeScript for type safety!
- Vitest and Testing Library for unit testing
- Zod for Runtime schema validation
Setup the app by doing the following:
Install the required Node version
nodenv install
Install dependencies
npm install
Start any required Docker services, such as Postgres:
npm run docker
Setup the database:
npm run setup
Run the build, which generates the App's Node server:
npm run build
Start the app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file change:
npm start
Once running, visit:
By default there's a user with some data you can use to get started:
- Email:
- Password: password
Manage the database with the Prisma CLI. See Developing with Prisma Migrate.
Some common operations are:
Goal Command(s) Apply pending migrations npm run prisma migrate dev
Add a new model Modify prisma/schema.prisma and run npm run prisma migrate dev
to generate a migrationExplore the db npm run prisma studio
Reset your db npm run prisma migrate reset
Debug server side code by placing a
in your code, open up Chrome, and go tochrome://inspect