- Clone Repo
- Download the zipped Data from https://drive.google.com/file/d/14HL3TcDUb9mNE1kqSvJGUmQZBTWTbPm8/view?usp=sharing
- Place it into data collection into a folder named NewData
Current repository directory should look like this
- data collection
- M_A_News.csv
- NewData
- [Downloaded Unzipped Data]
- CLEAN_ClassificationNewData.ipynb
- CLEAN_Classification_isM_A.ipynb
- CLEAN_LDAonNews.ipynb
From there:
- Run “CLEAN_LDAonNews.ipynb” first to generate “lda.sav” and “cv.sav” in the same folder.
- Make sure the above two models are existing in the “Final Package” folder.
- If you want to find the topics for M&A and general news, run “CLEAN_Classification_isM&A.ipynb”
- For the final classification for 1/3/6/12 month news article, run “CLEAN_ClassificationNewData.ipynb”. This code will generate a sub-folder called “ClassifyNews”. The generated feature table will saved in this folder. The results will print in the stdout console.