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ibochkov edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. F1 - toggle between the observed and control maps, if a control map is loaded
  2. F2 - toggle visibility for 2D annotations (note it will save memory of the ones turned off until they are turned back on i.e. for one additional turn; so if multiple layers are available, but only 2 are actively visible, only those two will be toggled show/hide)
  3. F3 - toggle enlargement for 2D features (only applies to visible 2D features)
  4. F4 - toggle translucency for 2D features (only applies to visible 2D features)
  5. F5 - toggle sparse plotting for 2D features (only applies to visible 2D features)
  6. F6 - toggle plotting style (above/below/both sides of the diagonal) for 2D features (only applies to visible 2D features)
  7. F7 - change properties file
  8. F8 - plot subset of hic maps in a combined/added map
  9. F9 - show/hide the annotation panel
  10. F10 - access the file menu