Xvideos Web Spider to Collect Data From User Profile Page and Send It To InfluxDB Time Series Database. And automatically adds new annotations to Grafana panel when there's new videos uploaded to your Xvideos account. It's pretty slick.
- Node.js installed on the computer running this program.
- NPM installed.
- Grafana Server running on an accessible URL. (Optional - For Adding Annotations to your dashboard.)
- InfluxDB running on a accessible machine.
- Navigate to project directory in command prompt/shell and install npm packages using
npm install
. - Create new task on Windows 10 using Task Scheduler.
- General Tab - Tick Hidden
- General Tab - Run whether user is logged in or not
- Trigger - At system startup - After triggered, repeat every 5-10 minutes indefinitely.
- Actions > Settings > Action - Start a program - "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
- Actions > Settings > Add arguments - C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\xvideos-user-stats-tracker\index.js
- Import
into your grafana server and connect your data source.