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Terraform Helm InfluxDB v2 Module

A Terraform module to deploy InfluxDB v2 on a Kubernetes Cluster using the Helm Provider.

Concept Flow Illustration

Default Admin Password & Token

If the admin_password or admin-token input variables are not set, the initial password & token for the admin user account are auto-generated and stored as clear text in the admin-password and admin-token fields of a secret named influxdb2-auth1 in your InfluxDB installation namespace (influxdb by default). You can retrieve these values via the kubectl command:

kubectl -n influxdb get secret influxdb2-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d; echo

Substitute admin-password in the above command with admin-token to retrieve the default Admin user token.


Name Description Type Default Required
release_name Helm release name string influxdb2 no
namespace Namespace to install InfluxDB chart into (created if non-existent on target cluster) string influxdb no
influxdb_chart_version Version of InfluxDB chart to install string 2.0.12 no
timeout_seconds Helm chart deployment can sometimes take longer than the default 5 minutes. Set a custom timeout (secs) number 800 no
admin_password Default Admin password (minimum 8 chars) string empty no
admin_token Default Admin token string empty no
enable_persistence Persist data to a persistent volume? bool false no
pv_size Size persistent volume to provision bool false no
values_file Name of the InfluxDB helm chart values file to use string values.yaml no


  1. InfluxDB v2 Helm Chart - Fixed Auth Credentials