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Welcome to 🎨 is a full-stack cheatsheet that allows you to visualize and easily copy-paste the code snippets for your projects.

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🌐 Production

Check out the live site:

🖥️ Running Locally


Steps to reproduce the project on your local machine:

  1. Fork the repository Click on the Fork button in the top-right corner. This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

  2. Download the forked repository: Open terminal. Change directory to Desktop or any where. Clone your forked repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  3. Visual Studio Code: Open the repository in VS Code.

    cd cheatsheet
    code .

    #There are many ways to open a repository in VS Code.

  4. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  5. Run the project:

    npm run dev

    ⚠️ Attention:

    You may encounter different data for authentication and comments in production and development; this is because they have separate backends and databases.

That's it! Your machine is running the web locally and successfully.

References: Fork, npm i

🤝 Collaboration


  1. Issues:

    • You can see all the issues that need to be fixed in the Issues section.
    • Communicate within any issue to choose who will work on it. Preview
  2. Contribute:

    • After you are assigned an issue, you are ready to contribute.

    • Before that, we need to make sure our local repository is linked with the forked remote repository: So, we can push our commit.

       git remote -v

      If everything is okay, we can now proceed.

    • Create a new branch in your local repository.

       git checkout -b update/example-db
    • It's time to code..

    • Then, after making changes, stage, commit and push them to the new branch in your remote repository.

      git add .
      git commit -m "Updated ExampleDB : id exampleid"
      git push origin update/example-db

      ⚠️ If you have problem to push into your forked repository, please create an issue here. I'll help you learn how to fix Github credentials in your VS code.

    • Create a pull request to merge your changes into the production code.

    • Your pull request will be visible on this site. Please wait for my response. I will either approve your code and merge it into production, or provide feedback if changes are needed.

    • If your pull request is merged, you can delete the branch in both the local and remote repositories.

      git switch main
      git branch -D update/example-db
      git push origin --delete update/example-db
    • To contribute again, create a new branch.

References : git remote -v, local new branch, remote new branch, pull request

  1. Synchronize:


  • Every time you want to contribute, make sure your main branch is up-to-date before creating a new branch.
  • Remote main branch : Click Sync fork to synchronize your main remote repository with the production code.
  • Local main branch : In your local repository, switch to main branch. Then, bash git switch main git pull

    Thank you for contributing to!