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Extracting global concept explanations from the self-explaining MEGAN model


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Global Concept-Explanations for the Self-Explaining MEGAN Graph Neural Network

This package implements the functionality needed to extract global concept-based explanations from the recently published MEGAN (GitHub, paper) graph neural network model. The MEGAN model itself is a self-explaining graph neural network, which is able to provide local attributional explanations its own predictions through an attention mechanism. By extending it's architecture and training process, it is possible to additionally extract concept-based explanations from it's latent space of explanation embeddings. These concept explanations provide a global understanding of the model's decision making process.

Abstract. Besides improving trust and validating model fairness, xAI practices also have the potential to recover valuable scientific insights in application domains where little to no prior human intuition exists. To that end, we propose a method to create global concept explanations for graph prediction tasks with the ultimate objective of gaining a deeper understanding of graph predictive tasks, such as chemical property predictions. To achieve this we introduce the updated Megan2 version of the recently introduced multi-explanation graph attention network. Concept explanations are extracted by identifying dense clusters in the model’s latent space of explanations. Finally, we optimize sub-graph prototypes to represent each concept cluster and optionally query a language model to propose potential hypotheses for the underlying causal reasoning behind the identified structure-property relationships. We conduct computational experiments on synthetic and real-world graph property prediction tasks. For the synthetic tasks we find that our method correctly reproduces the structural rules by which they were created. For real-world molecular property regression and classification tasks, we find that our method rediscovers established rules of thumb as well as previously published hypotheses from chemistry literature. Additionally, the concepts extracted by our method indicate more fine-grained resolution of structural details than existing explainability methods. Overall, we believe our positive results are a promising step toward the automated extraction of scientific knowledge through AI models, suitable for more complex downstream prediction tasks in the future

πŸ”” News

❓ What are Global Concept Explanations?

Local explanations aim to provide additional information about individual model predictions. Although there are different forms of local explanations the, the most common modality is that of importance attribution masks. For graph neural networks, these masks are defined on the node and edge level and usually provide a 0 to 1 importance value of how much a certain node or edge contributed to the final prediction. While these explanations are very useful for understanding the model's decision making process on a case by case basis, it is hard to understand the model's general behavior.

Global explanations on the other hand aim to provide a more general understanding of the model's overal decision making process. As with local explanations, there exist different formats in which global model information can be presented, including generative explanations, prototype-based explanations and concept-based explanations among others.

Concept-based explanations are one specific form of global explanations, which try to explain a models general behavior which is aggregated over many individual instances. The basic idea is to identify certain generalizable concepts which are then connected to a certain impact toward the model's prediction outcome. One such concept is generally defined as a common underlying pattern that is shared among multiple instances of the dataset. From a technical perspective, a concept can be defined as a set of input fragments. What exactly these input fragments are differs between application domains. In image processing, for example, these fragments are super pixels or image segments and in langauge processing they can be words or phrases. In the graph processing domain, these input fragments are subgraph motifs which can be contained in multiple different graphs of the dataset.

πŸ“¦ Installation by Source

git clone

Then in the main folder run a pip install:

cd megan_global_explanations
python3 -m pip install -e .

Afterwards, you can check the install by invoking the CLI:

python3 -m megan_global_explanations.cli --version
python3 -m megan_global_explanations.cli --help

πŸ“Œ Dependencies

This package heavily depends on the following two packages. For the subsequent usage description for this package, familiarity with these two packages is assumed.

  • visual_graph_datasets: This package implements the visual graph dataset (VGD) format. This is specific format in which datasets for the training of graph neural networks and subsequent explainability analysis can be stored. The dataset format represents every dataset as a folder and every element as two separate files: A metadata JSON file and a visualization PNG file. The metadata file can be used to load the full pre-processed graph structure in a dictionary format and the visualization can be used to visualize the graph as well as the results of attributional explanation methods.
  • graph_attention_student: This package implements the actual MEGAN graph neural network architecture. It exposes tools to train new MEGAN models and to load pre-trained models from memory.

πŸš€ Quickstart

To create global concept explanations for a specific graph prediction tasks, it is assumed that the dataset in question already exists in the visual graph dataset (VGD) format and that an already pre-trained MEGAN model is available. The following steps illustrate the process of loading the dataset and the model and then extracting the concept explanations.

This example script will load a visual graph dataset and a pre-trained model and then
extract the concept explanations by finding dense clusters in the model's latent space
of subgraph explanations. The resulting concept clustering report PDF will be saved
in the current working directory.
import os
import sys
import pathlib
import logging
import typing as t

from visual_graph_datasets.config import Config
from visual_graph_datasets.web import ensure_dataset
from import VisualGraphDatasetReader
from graph_attention_student.torch.megan import Megan

from megan_global_explanations.utils import EXPERIMENTS_PATH
from megan_global_explanations.main import extract_concepts
from megan_global_explanations.visualization import create_concept_cluster_report

PATH = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()

log = logging.Logger('00')
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

# ~ required parameters

# The "ensure_dataset" method will try to download a dataset from the remote file
# share server if it is not already present. If the dataset is already present,
# the local version will be used. In any case, the function will return the absolute
# string path to the dataset folder.
DATASET_PATH: str = ensure_dataset('rb_dual_motifs', Config().load())
# Knowing the exact type of task (regression or classification) is important for
# various operations during the concept clustering and report generation!
DATASET_TYPE: t.Literal['regression', 'classification'] = 'regression'
# We also need to load an existing model, from whose latent space the concept
# explanations will be extracted.
MODEL_PATH: str = os.path.join(
# This is a dictionary that provides additional information about the channels that
# the model uses.
# However, this dict is optional and does not necessarily have to be provided for the
# concept clustering to work.
CHANNEL_INFOS: t.Dict[int, dict] = {
    0: {'name': 'negative', 'color': 'skyblue'},
    1: {'name': 'positive', 'color': 'coral'},

# ~ loading the dataset
# The dataset is assumed to be in the special "visual graph dataset (VGD)" format.
# The special "VisualGraphDatasetReader" class will be used to load the dataset.
# The "read" method will return a dictionary with the dataset elements and their
# indices as keys.
reader = VisualGraphDatasetReader(path=DATASET_PATH)
index_data_map: t.Dict[int, dict] =
processing = reader.read_process()'loaded dataset with {len(index_data_map)} elements.')

# ~ loading the model
# The model is assumed to be a MEGAN model. Therefore the "Megan" class will be
# used to load the model from the given checkpoint file. The "load_from_checkpoint"
# method will return the model instance.
model = Megan.load_from_checkpoint(MODEL_PATH)'loaded model {model.__class__.__name__} with {model.num_channels} channels.')

# ~ extracting the concept explanations
# The extract_concepts method will extract the concept explanations by finding
# dense clusters in the the latent space of the model.
concepts: t.List[dict] = extract_concepts(
    # parameters for the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm. The smaller the "min_samples"
    # parameter the more concept clusters will be found. However, this will also lead
    # to more redundancy - there might be multiple clusters for the same true motif.
    # optimization of the cluster prototypes involves more effort.
)'extracted {len(concepts)} concepts.')

# ~ creating the report
# The "create_concept_report" method will create a report PDF which visualizes
# all the information from the concept clustering. For every concept several pages
# with statistics, examples and descriptions will be created.'creating the concept clustering report...')
report_path: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'concept_report.pdf')
)'report @ {report_path}')

πŸ§ͺ Computational Experiments

This package uses the PyComex framework to manage computational experiments. This means that all computational experiments are defined as independent python modules in the experiments folder.

The following list provides an overview and description of the most important experiments:

  • The base implementation for the concept clustering process based on a visual graph dataset and a pre-trained Megan model. Depending on the parameter configuration, this experiment will perform the HDBSCAN based clustering, the optimization of the prototypes and the query to the GPT4 API to obtain a concept hypothesis.
  • The specific implementation of the concept extraction for the synthetic graph classification dataset BA2Motifs.
  • The specific implementation of the concept extraction for the RbDualMotifs synthetic graph regression dataset.
  • The specific implementation for the AqSolDB dataset. This dataset is about the regression of the experimentally determined logS water solubility values of molecular graphs.
  • The specific implementation for the Mutagenicity dataset. This dataset is about the the binary classification of whether a given molecular graph is mutagenic (causes mutations in the DNA of living organisms) or not.
  • This experiment loads a given visual graph dataset, a pre-trained MEGAN model and the persistently stored information about a concept clustering to create the local explanation for a specific element. The model is queried with the given graph element as an input. The model outputs the primary target value prediction as well as the local explanation masks. Additionally, the graph embeddings created by the model are used to create
  • Uses a pre-trained model and existing concept clustering to generate explanations about water solubility for a single molecular graph in SMILES representation.

πŸ“Ž Supplementary Materials

The repository contains the supplementary folder which includes the supplementary materials for the paper. This folder contains the following elements:

  • cluster_report_rb_dual_motifs.pdf: The automatically generated concept clustering report PDF for the RbDualMotifs dataset that is referenced in the paper.
  • cluster_report_mutagenicity.pdf: The automatically generated concept clustering report PDF for the Mutagenicity dataset that is referenced in the paper.
  • cluster_report_aqsoldb.pdf: The automatically generated concept clustering report PDF for the AqSolDB dataset that is referenced in the paper.

πŸ“– Referencing

If you use, extend or otherwise mention or work, please cite the paper as follows:

    title={Global Concept-Explanations for the Self-Explaining MEGAN Graph Neural Network},
    author={Teufel, Jonas and Friederich, Pascal},


  • PyComex is a micro framework which simplifies the setup, processing and management of computational experiments. It is also used to auto-generate the command line interface that can be used to interact with these experiments.


Extracting global concept explanations from the self-explaining MEGAN model







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