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Commander is a developer console. Fast, simple and has many features.


Version: Instruction
Release version: follow releases
Experimental version: 1. Open Package Manager in Unity
2. Select Add package from Git URL
3. Paste Git URL:

Get start

For using Commanders API you should use namespace Dada.Commander

  1. Add ConsoleCommand attribute for your method.
        [ConsoleCommand]    // <-- just add this attribute
        static void SetMaxFps(int fps)
            Application.targetFrameRate = fps;
  2. Thats all! Now you can write method's name in the console ui. But there are still a lot of additional settings that will help when working with the commander. About them further.

Commander UI

Console UI is located on path Commander\UI\Prefab
Use namespace Dada.Commander.UI to manage console UI

CommanderUI class:

Methods Descripton
ChangeOpenCloseState Open or close console window
FillAuto Autofill inputfield by similar command
SelectNextHelperItem Select next command in PopUp command window
SelectPreviousHelperItem Select previous command in PopUp command window
SelectNextLastCommand Select an older command
SelectPreviousLastCommand Select a newer command
Property Type Description
WindowIsShowed bool True if the console is shown and false if not
PopUpHelperIsShowed bool True if the PopUp command window is shown and false if not
Event Description
OnShowed Called when the console is showed
OnHided Called when the console is hided

Core API

ConsoleCommand attribute:

Field Default value Description
commandName method name Name for Commander
If you dont set commandName it takes name of method
description Description for Commander
This description can be shown in Commander's log
logResult Log result that will be written to the Commander's log after successful method apllying
commandFlag CommandFlags.noFlags Flag that describe type of method

Commander class:

Method Parameters Descripton
ApplyCommand string command,
out List<string> log
Invoke method or field by his command name and get a log result.
command - command name and parameters of class member
log - log result of applying command
GetSimilarCommand string command Get the name of the commands that is most similar to the entered command
GetSimilarCommands string command Get names of the commands that are similar to the entered command
GetAllConsoleTypes Get all class names that have methods with ConsoleCommand attribute
GetCommands bool showDescription Get all commands with or without their descriptions
GetCommands bool showDescription
CommandFlags commandFlags
Get commands with or without their descriptions that has commandFlags
Log string message Send message to LogEvent event
LogWarning string message Send message to LogEvent event
LogError string message Send message to LogEvent event
Event Callback type Description
LogEvent string Called when Log method invokes and give a log message in callback
Property Type Description
PreviousCommands List<string> List of previous commands, that have been sent to Commander

Custom flags

You can create your own custom flag set in com.dada.commander\Runtime\CommandFlags.cs file, but you always should have all flag that contains all bytes of another flags.