This library provides general functionalities for using the Unified Planning library in robotic applications:
- helper functions to map object representations in your application domain to the UP domain and vice versa, e.g., to retrieve executable actions from a generated UP plan
- plan dispatchers for automated execution of action plans
- plan monitoring for validating action execution and performing precondition checks on subsequent actions
To see the Embedded Systems Bridge in use, please refer to our related repositories:
- drone experiment [GenoM3-Pocolibs, Gazebo]
- pick-and-place robot environment [ROS1 Noetic, Gazebo]
- industrial-arm-demo [ROS2 Jazzy, Moveit2]
This repo has pre-commit configurations. You can use this locally and set it up to run automatically before you commit something. To install, use pip:
pip3 install --user pre-commit
To run over all the files in the repo manually:
pre-commit run --all-files
To run pre-commit automatically before committing in the local repo, install the git hooks:
pre-commit install
This library is being developed for the AIPlan4EU H2020 project ( that is funded by the European Commission under grant agreement number 101016442.