Robonomics Academy is the educational provider to the world of IoT and cyber-physical systems based on web3. The core developers of the Robonomics project, robotics specialists and PhD research scientists offer to pass through compendious experience based on 8 years of work with web 3.0 projects.
Install Node.js.
Activate Yarn Package Manager, shipped with Node.js Corepack:
corepack enable
- Clone the academy repository:
git clone
- Go to the directory of the repository and run the following commands:
sudo yarn global add @gridsome/cli
yarn install
- Deploy the academy locally:
gridsome develop
If you have the error
node: --openssl-legacy-provider is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS
, run the following command:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
- First of all, you need to add course/lesson information to
- id: '1'
title: 'Introduction to the ideas of Robonomics' // name of the course
path: 'introduction-course' // path that will be displayed in url
level: 3 // complexity of the course
tags: ['course'] // tags for the course
filters: [''] // options for filter (if there are any)
progress: done // progress of the course (done, coming(if zero lessons are ready), progress (if some lessons are not finished))
author: 'Fingerling42' // the course author (if there is one). For this option add author and use alias (see: courses/authors/authors.yaml)
If you have more than one author use array - e.g. ['Ensrationis', 'Vourhey']
published: true // set this option to false if you want to hide your course
- id: '0'
title: 'Introduction to the ideas of Robonomics'
path: 'overview' // use this path for all intro lessons
status: done
- id: '1' // lesson id
title: 'Broadcasting Through the Black Mirror' // lesson name
path: 'broadcasting-through-the-black-mirror' // path that will be displayed in url (it must be the same as the name of lesson md file)
status: in progress // lesson status (done or in progress)
- Then, you must create folder in
- e.g introduction-course and add "intro page" for your course incourses/en/learn/your-new-folder
- e.g
Add some basic info to the doc:
title: "Introduction to the ideas of Robonomics" // course title
description: Welcome Introduction Course! // course description
metaOptions: [Learn, Introduction to the ideas of Robonomics] // this information is needed for meta tags and images purposes. You need to type: Learn, Name_Of_Your_Course
defaultName: Introduction to the ideas of Robonomics // name of your course in english ( also needed for meta info )
- Finally, add lessons for the new course (if there are any). Create md files for each lesson in new folder. The set up will be identical to the "intro page" of your course md file with the necessary adjustments :)
- Make sure you use alias while adding author!
- If your lesson is in progress you must add
status: in progress
for your lesson ANDprogress: progress
orprogress: coming
for your course! - If you are adding a new course make sure folder static/og has folder with the name of your course e.g static/og/smart-home-course. The name of the folder must be identical to the course folder in /corses/
progress - some lessons are ready, coming - zero lessons are done
if your lesson/course wasn't published (published: false) and it's your first doc then you need to go to courses/authors/authors.yaml, find your name and remove hide option
If you want to highlight your code use:
<LessonCodeWrapper language="json" noCopyIcon>
code wrapper with the "big-code" class
<LessonCodeWrapper language="json" codeClass="big-code">
sudo curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs git make g++ gcc
Properties for lesson-code-wrapper
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
language | true | - | String | You must specify the code language for the right highlighting |
codeClass | false | - | String | If your code is long you may want to use "big-code" class for styling purposes |
noCopyIcon | false | false | Boolean | By default all code pieces have copy icon but if it's not needed you may remove it |
noLines | false | false | Boolean | By default all code pieces have number lines but if it's not needed you may remove it |
Available Languages:
- Bash
- Python
- LaTeX
If you want you image to zoom in you must use - "lesson-images"
simple image
<LessonImages src="course_name/course-lesson-1.jpg" alt="lesson image"/>
figure with caption
<LessonImages figure figureCaption="Architectural scheme of the scenario with SLS Gateway" src="smart-house-course/lesson-1-2.png" alt="Architectural scheme of the scenario with SLS Gateway"/>
Properties for lesson-images
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
src | true | - | String | You need to upload you images to src/assets/images/course-name/src-of-your-image.format And then just use: course-name/src-of-your-image.format |
alt | false | - | String | Alt attribute for your image |
figure | false | false | Boolean | If you want to use image with caption |
figureCaption | false | - | String | Add some caption for the image |
imageClasses | false | - | String | Add classes for styling |
There are two ways for inserting videos in your documents:
It is recommended to insert videos with built-in tag , however you may also use standard way for Markdown files.
local file
<LessonVideo autoplay loop controls :videos="[{src: '/videos/temp.mp4', type:'mp4'}]" local />
IPFS / Server
You need to specify format of video`
<LessonVideo :videos="[{src: '', type:'webm'}, {src: '', type:'mp4'}]" />
video with cover
<LessonVideo :videos="[{src: '', type:'webm'}, {src: '', type:'mp4'}]" cover="smart-home-intro/assembling-smart-home-board-1.png" />
Properties for LessonVideo
You may use any properties for HTML5 video tag.
Acceptable formats - mp4, webm, ogg.
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
videos | true | - | Array | Array of objects [{src: 'path to video', type: 'type of video'}] |
local | false | false | Boolean | helps to get the right path for the file. - If your video located in a local folder prop must be set to true. |
cover | false | - | String | adds cover to your video. You need add cover to courses/images/course_folder/image_name.png. |
You can embed any YouTube video in doc by inserting share link as separate paragraph without any additional quotes or tags, e.g.:
However, if you need an autoplay you must use special component:
<robo-academy-youtube autoplay link="" />
Properties for robo-academy-youtube
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
link | true | - | String | link to youtube video |
autoplay | fasle | false | Boolean | autoplays youtube video |
loop | false | false | Boolean | loop youtube video |
For stylized list you must use:
ordered list
<List type="numbers">
List item 1
List item 2
unordered list
List item 1
List item 2
unordered list with plus
<List type="plus">
List item 1
List item 2
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
type | false | bullets | String | You can choose type of your list: - bullets (unordered list) - plus (unordered list with plus instead of bullets) - numbers (ordered list with numbers) |
You can add notes and give them specific types:
- warning (orange color)
- okay (green color)
- note (grey color)
note with title
<robo-academy-note type="okay" title="Some import information" />
note with content
<robo-academy-note type="okay">Learn with us</robo-academy-note>
note with title and content
<robo-academy-note type="okay" title="Robonomics Academy">
Learn with us
Properties for robo-academy-note
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
type | false | - | String | - there are three types in total: note, warning, okay |
title | false | - | String | adds title to your note |
gap | false | false | Boolean | adds gap to your note |
You can add tabs to the doc:
- Use tabs wrapper component:
- And then use as many tab items components as you like inside wrapper:
<robo-academy-tab title="Linux">
<pre>ip a</pre>
<robo-academy-tab title="OSX">
horizontal tabs
<robo-academy-tab title="Linux">
<pre>ip a</pre>
<robo-academy-tab title="OSX">
vertical tabs
<robo-academy-tabs mode="vertical">
<robo-academy-tab title="Linux">
<pre>ip a</pre>
<robo-academy-tab title="OSX">
tab item with border
<robo-academy-tab title="Linux">
<pre>ip a</pre>
<robo-academy-tab title="OSX" border>
Properties for robo-academy-tabs (wrapper)
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
mode | false | horizontal | String | you can choose tabs mode: - horizontal - vertical |
Properties for robo-academy-tab (item)
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
title | true | - | String | title for the tab |
border | false | false | Boolean | add border to the content wrapper |
Helps to add grid layout to elements:
- Use grid wrapper component first:
- And then use as many grid items components as you like inside wrapper:
<robo-academy-grid :columns="2" textAlign="center">
<p>Zigbee smart devices (any from <a href="">supported devices</a>)</p>
<p>Zigbee adapter <a href="">JetHome USB JetStick Z2</a> (or one of <a href="">supported</a>) or
<a href="">Robonomics SLS Gateway</a></p>
Properties for robo-academy-grid
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
columns | false | 4 | Number | you can choose column number: - from 1 to 6 |
align | false | - | String | align items on the block axis: - options: start, center, end |
justify | false | - | String | align items on the inline axis: - options: start, center, end |
textAlign | false | - | String | align text inside grid - options: left, center, right |
If you need to use special dialog-like-wrapper use this component: <RoboAcademyDialog></RoboAcademyDialog>
If you want your code or some text looked like from terminal and <LessonCodeWrapper></LessonCodeWrapper>
doesn't work for you, then you may try this component: <RoboAcademyTerminal title="Goals"></RoboAcademyTerminal>
Property | Required | Default | Type | Description |
title | false | terminal | String | Set title on top of the terminal |