Airtrik is an IoT Cloud platform for managing communication between IoT devices and software platforms. This is java library that can be used for communicating IoT device. This library is primarly built for the use in android app.
Follow the below instructions to get your device and application up and running within minutes. It is very easy to integrate airtrik into your project.
- Before proceeding further you install Android Studio on your system and connect a mobile or emulator to in.
- Create an account at and create an app and devices to get your
Add the following dependencies to your gradle file and sync.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' } // Add this
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.airtrik:java:0.1.01'
import com.airtrik.iot.Airtrik;
// Connect to the app, put this code inside your Activity class
Airtrik.connect(this, "__APP_KEY__", new Airtrik.Options() {
public void onConnect(String appName, String[] devices) {
// Print app name
for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++){
// List all devices
public void onMessageReceive(String deviceId, String msg) {
// Print all incomming message
System.out.println(msg+" from "+deviceId);
public void onAppKeyError(){
System.out.println("APP KEY NOT CORRECT")
// Sending message to device
- Vishal Pandey - Written Python Library - vishal-pandey
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT Creative Commons License - see the LICENSE file for details