This is CSScomb modified for integrating with following editors:
Original CSScomb:
Folder blumentals contains files that are required for browserify bundling and running in browser. E.g. blumentals\emptyfs.js replaces fs with library that does nothing, just to avoid errors when CSScomb tries to look up config files and such.
Folder blumentals/custom_plugins contains plugins (options) that are modified/bugfixed from original CSScomb plugins. Plugin remove-comments.js is completely new.
Requires node.js to be installed:
Install csscomb.js: npm install csscomb
The required node_modules will be created with this command.
This command must be run from the folder where compile.bat is located. -
Update blumentals\plugins.js if necessary (e.g. if you have added new plugins)
Make sure browserify is installed globally: npm install -g browserify
Run compile.bat; This will create bundle.js that WeBuilder uses.