Mill is a fast, scalable, multi-language build tool that supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, and Python:
Mill can build the same Java codebase 4-10x faster than Maven, or 2-4x faster than Gradle
Mill comes builtin with all the tools needed to develop and publish your project without needing plugins
Mill’s typed config language and immutable task graph helps keep builds clean and understandable
Mill scales well from small projects to large multi-language monorepos with hundreds of modules
If you want to use Mill in your own projects, check out our documentation:
Here is some quick example, so that you can imagine how it looks:
package build
import mill._, javalib._
object foo extends JavaModule {
def ivyDeps = Seq(
object test extends JavaTests with TestModule.Junit4 {
def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps() ++ Seq(
> ./mill foo.compile # compile sources into classfiles
compiling 1 Java source to...
> ./mill --text hello
> ./mill foo.test
Test foo.FooTest.testEscaping finished, ...
Test foo.FooTest.testSimple finished, ...
Test run foo.FooTest finished: 0 failed, 0 ignored, 2 total, ...