Welcome to the Prodigy InfoTech Internship repository! This repository documents are for Task 1 of my internship journey, focusing on data cleaning, analysis, and uncovering insightful patterns.
Create a bar chart or histogram to visualize the distribution of a categorical or continuous variable, such as the disctribution of ages or genders in a population.
Task 1 improved my ability to create visualizations like bar charts and histograms to display the distribution of categorical or continuous variables, facilitating clearer insights into population demographics or other datasets.
Feel free to explore the repository, provide feedback, or connect with me for further discussions on data science, internship experiences, or any related topics. Let's learn and grow together!
For any inquiries or collaborations, feel free to reach out:
- Email: ajay30kushwaha@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Ajay Kumar Kushwaha