Single interface for project scheduling using DTMLXGANTT. Use local dependencies, you can integrate it into your current project.
- DHTMLXGantt version v8.0.6 (license GPL-2.0)
- Font Awesome (Free Version 6.5.1)
- Task update (Add, Edit, Delete)
- Inline task update (double click on the task grid, to edit)
- Project auto calculation on task completion update
- Project links.
- Zoom (in/out/auto fit)
- Daily, Weekly, Montly, Quarterly, Yearly view based
- Today's mark
- Weekend marks
- Export (to : PDF, Image, Excel)
The project and tasks are static (will reset when the page refreshed), but you can add/edit or delete the tasks and export it into your PDF or Image or excel file, for your project report or monitoring purpose