- Compatible with ZoraWeb a customizable dashboard made in Vue!
- Music
- Youtube links
- Searching youtube
- Queuing songs
- Skip, Pause, Resume, and Stop commands
- Soundcloud
- Meme dumper from Reddit
- Server specific subreddits
- Stack Overflow Search
- Weather command
- Wolfram Alpha Search
- Modlog
- Various actions
- Image archive with AI autotagger
- Joke command
- Yodaspeak translator
- Google Translate
- Currency Converter with Crypto Support
- Economy commands
- Forbes (Richest people list)
- Shop
- Daily rewards
- Slots
- Levels and XP
- Promote server engagement.
- Custom server settings
- Custom prefix
- Custom automod
- Custom name
- Auto-sharding
- Admin commands
- Kick
- Ban
- Purge
- Say
Zora is the official bot hosted by the creators of this repo, you can invite it to your discord server by clicking the link below: INVITE Zora
git clone https://github.com/ajmwagar/zora
cd zora
npm install
Install a MongoDB server with a database called zora
Make sure it's on a server that can handle it! Each user and server will have their own document!
$EDITOR config.json
Add the following to config.json
"token": "my discord bot token",
"youtubeKey": "my youtube data api key",
"databaseuser": "my mongodb username",
"databasepass": "my mongodb password",
"wolfram": "my wolframalpha key",
"ws": {
"clientid": "my discord client id",
"clientsecret": "my discord client secret",
"authurl": "https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize",
"tokenurl": "https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/token"
node index.js
pm2 start index.js -n <botname>
Note that translate won't work unless a valid google service account is set up!
This bot would not be possible without:
- Nathan Laha (@DekuTree#0460) https://nlaha.com/
- Avery Wagar (@ajmwagar) http://www.averywagar.com/