This repository allows automated testing of the iSensor FX3 demonstration platform firmware and API on target hardware
FX3 API Repository:
FX3 Firmware Repository:
- Must have an iSensor FX3 board connected to USB
- Connected FX3 must have the SPI MISO pin connected to MOSI
- Connected FX3 must have the DIO1 pin connected to DIO2
- Requires Microsoft Windows 7 or newer
- Must have MSBuild installed and added to the path
- Must have git installed and added to the path
- Must have iSensor FX3 Driver installed
Running "build_script.bat" will start the build and test sequence:
- Get latest version of the FX3 API from GitHub
- Compile FX3 API from source
- Copy pre-built FX3 Firmware binaries from FX3 API repo - at some point will write a makefile for the FX3 Firmware to allow automated build
- Compile iSensor-FX3-Test program
- Run test program using NUnit 2.6.4, with the output piped to "test_result.txt". These tests are run on target hardware.
- The NUnit test results are parsed and used to generate a test status image using NUnitLogParser.exe
- Test results (ouput XML, build log, test console, result image) are pushed to remote
Tests are executed by iSensorTestBot every night at 1am on a Windows 10 VM. Tests can also be triggered on-demand