This release is the first version that supports the discord.py v2.0 library.
User facing changes:
- All commands now use the slash command framework.
- Global schedule settings are now able to be set per guild.
- Time channel can now be created.
- Self-cleaning open and close messages.
- User commands of check schedule and current time.
Backend and bot maintenance 'features' have been improved which include:
- Use of
to manage database migrations. - Use of
to async database calls. - Various channel checks upon deletion or guild removals to keep database tidy.
- Moved the any raid filter to a separate cog.
- Permissions checking and warnings for schedules.
- Fixes for TimeChannel permissions.
- Do not allow open and close times to be the same.
- Changed open and close messages to embeds.
- Code tidy and imports tidy.
- poetry used for dependencies.