This is a simple boilerplate for web apps (aka SPA — Single Page Applications) with minimum dependencies. Ideally for start a new project like an internal information system.
- Flask (Web server)
- Peewee (ORM layer)
- Marshmallow (JSON schema)
- Marshmallow Peewee (JSON schema generator from Peewee models)
- Vue.js (Progressive JavaScript Framework)
- Spectre (Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework)
git clone
cd boilerplate
virtualenv -p python3 --prompt="(boilerplate) " .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run
Open http://localhost:5000 in your browser and use admin:admin for log in.
# Initialize database (create tables)
# Key --drop boolean for drop table if exists (default is False)
flask initdb --drop True
# Create superuser
flask createsuperuser