Ewaste-website files should be arranged in a directory as follows: ewaste-website/ -->Public/ -->index.html -->styles.css -->register.html -->login.html -->register.js -->database.db
-->src/ -->components/ -->EducationalContent.js -->EducationalLocator.js -->UserRegistration.js -->App.js -->index.js -->recycle.jpg
-->server/ -->pacakge.json -->server.js
pre-requiremnt commands before running the above code in your local system following commands need to be runned in the cmd prompt:
- change the directory to the ewaste-website.
- npm init -y
- node server.js
- npm install -g live-server
- npm install express sqlite3
- npm install express body-parser final command to run the html page locally in the browser
- live-server
Note: make sure the path in the cmd prompt directs to the public folder in the ewaste-website. final path looks like : C:\Users\ewaste-website\public\live-server.