This repository consists of 3 jupyter notebooks that come together in order to display the optimal normalisation strategy for SpatioTemporal Graphs.
The conclusion from running our experiments were that the UnitedNorm technique that utilises a coalescence of LayerNorm, InstanceNorm, BatchNorm, GraphNorm and our novel TemporalNorm (transposition of existing normalisation strategies over the temporal layer, which employs a learnable shift) is most effective when dealing with SpatioTemporal Graphs when normalizing the inputs to smoothen out training and speed up convergence.
The experiments can be run by opening the jupyter notebooks in Google Colab and following these steps:
- Save the SpatioTemporalNorm.ipynb and the SpatioTemporalNorm.ipynb files in Google Drive within the same directory.
- Change the following line of code in 5th cell of SpatioTemporalNorm_Experiments.ipynb to point to the Google Drive directory that you chose in Step 1 :
%cd "mnt/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/GDL/"
- Run the SpatioTemporalNorm_Experiments.ipynb file.