Sawn makes it easy to write node
scripts with promises. The initial use case was inspired by a devops need to run end-to-end tests in a more concise manner, but it would be possible to utilize sawn in other ways. The api is not yet stable, but seems to work well for the devops use cases I needed it for.
npm install --save-dev sawn
const sawn = require('sawn');
.run({ cmd: 'echo', args: ['foo'] })
.then(() => {
// console.log('Done');
.catch(err => {
echo-command: foo
const sawn = require('sawn');
const env = process.env;
env.MIX_ENV = 'teste2e';
// child processes execute and resolve serially
.run({ cwd: 'apps/domain', cmd: 'mix', args: ['ecto.reset'] })
// This child process will not start until the previous one is done
.run({ cwd: 'apps/interface', cmd: 'npm', args: ['run', 'webpack-test-e2e'] })
// waitFor resolves the promise early when the given regex matches a chunk on stdout. This
// way protractor has a server to query.
.run({ cwd: 'apps/interface', cmd: 'mix', args: ['s'], waitFor: /Running/ })
// Both the server and protractor will run together
.run({ cwd: 'apps/interface', cmd: 'node_modules/.bin/protractor', args: [] })
// The child processes are queued and then run serially (until configured otherwise) when
// then is called, but the then returns a promise that will not resolve until all processes have ended.
.then(() => {
// At this point the outstanding server (mix s) child process has been killed.
.catch(err => {
// The user determines whether to exit the process here, which would make sense for a build script.
// In other use-cases, you might decide not to exit the process but handle the error in another way.
Save the following to runner.js
const sawn = require('sawn');
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
const env = process.env;
const karma = { cwd: '.', cmd: 'node_modules/.bin/karma', args: ['start', '--single-run'] };
const karmaWatch = { cwd: '.', cmd: 'node_modules/.bin/karma', args: ['start'] };
let selection = karma;
if (args.length && args[0] === '--watch') {
selection = karmaWatch;
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {