In that course we will initialize an Akeneo custom app that interacts with Google Vision API in order to extract labels from product images and assign these identified labels to the products informations in the PIM.
In this step, you'll have to download the latest Release from the Akeneo PIM Workshop App from the provided GitHub repository. This app will serve as the foundation for your custom app. Follow the steps below to get started:
Before you begin, ensure that the following components are installed in your development environment:
- Docker Desktop : : Once installed => start it
- NGrok : installation
- Archive manager : 7zip, Unarchiver
- Download the latest release of the Akeneo PIM Workshop App from that URL:
- Uncompress the archive
- Open your terminal or command prompt.
- Navigate to the directory where you have uncompressed the project archive.
- Start the docker stack by running the following script from the project root directory :
- For Linux / MacOS (Intel x86)
- For Linux / MacOS (ARM64)
- For Windows
- Check that the app is running by opening the following url : http://localhost:8044
An Akeneo Custom App should declare the OAuth scopes needed for its execution. Because the App will access different facets of the PIM we should ensure that the users are aware of it and approve or reject it during the app declaration process. These scopes are declared In the Activate step. Edit the ActivateAction Controller PHP class under the src/Controller/ActivateAction.php path to add the missing scopes for our app to work properly.
In our case we need to complete the list by adding the following scopes :
- Read products,
- Write products,
- Read assets,
- Read asset families,
- Read catalog Structure,
- Read Catalogs,
- Write Catalogs,
- Read locales and currencies,
- Read channels
Check the documentation to find out the missing scopes:
final class ActivateAction extends AbstractController
/* List the oAuth scopes required by your app
In our case we need to complete the list by adding the following scopes :
- Read products,
- Write products,
- Read assets,
- Read asset families,
- Read catalog Structure,
- Read Catalogs,
- Write Catalogs,
- Read locales and currencies,
- Read channels
See the documentation here to find out the missing scopes:
private const OAUTH_SCOPES = [
//add missing scopes here
- You have a PIM developer sandbox
- Your Custom APP is accessible from the PIM.
- Run NGROK to obtain a temporary public URL for your local app, to do so run:
ngrok http 8044
! - Register your app to generates and receive the credentials, the activate URL is : https://your-ngrok-url/ and the callback URL is https://your-ngrok-url/callback
- Once the app is registered in the PIM, you can Connect to your app
- then you will be prompted to register your PIM environment by providing the Client ID and the Client Secret you get in the previous step
Going back to the PIM we have to enable the catalog for our app. Adding a filter on the criteria of our choice to retrieve only the products we want to address.
In this step, you will install the Third-Party API client for addressing the Google Vision API, which will be used in your custom app. Follow the steps below to integrate the client into your project:
Open your terminal or command prompt.
Run the following command within your Docker container to install the Google AI Generative API client using Composer:
docker exec -it workshopApp_web composer require google/cloud-vision
Now you have successfully installed the Third-Party API client for addressing the Google AI Generative API within your Dockerized Akeneo PIM app. Proceed to the next steps to configure and utilize this client within your custom app.
in order to request the Google Cloud Vision API, the Google Client should be authenticated, to do so we will use a Service account that has rights to request the Google Cloud Vision APIs. We will provide you it's content for the time of the workshop.
Copy the service account credentials json key into a service_account.json file at the root of the project.
In order to cover the use case presented in the introduction we will code a few things. All that we will need to do will be centralized in a single Service Class : GoogleVisionService the central method is detectLabelsOnProductImages, in that method we request the products through the catalog connection. Foreach products that have their packshot asset collection described do the following :
in the extractAssetImage method implement the download of an asset content through the api
private function extractAssetImage(AkeneoPimClientInterface $client, string $assetDataCode)
$mediaContent ='';
* Extract the asset media datas (image binary data) from the ÀPI
* store these data into the mediaContent var
* See this documentation to find out how to do it
* and
$mediaContent = '???'; //<-- binary data of the asset image
$tempFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'assetGoogleVision');
file_put_contents($tempFile, $mediaContent);
return $tempFile;
the method getLabelsForImage receives an image path as an argument. Code the little logic to call the Google Vision API to retrieve the labels and store them in the result array.
private function getLabelsForImage($imagePath)
$image = file_get_contents($this->projectDir.'/public/'.$imagePath);
$result = [];
$imageAnnotator = new ImageAnnotatorClient(['credentials'=>$this->projectDir.'/service_account.json']);
return $result;
the Product attribute to update is the product_tags attribute, we should use the implode function to concatenate the array of the detected labels, assign the string result to the en_US locale and ecommerce scope And then pushing the new product values by using the API client
private function updateProduct(AkeneoPimClientInterface $client, mixed $productUuid, array $labels, ?string $locale = 'en_US', ?string $scope = 'ecommerce')
$product = [
'uuid' => $productUuid,
'values' => [
// update product_tags attribute
* Update the product using its UUID with the tags that we retrieved from Google Vision API
* See the documentation :
$response = '???';
All products have a packshot asset_collection attribute which handles the product images.
Also, a product_tags textarea attribute has been also added, this field will receive the detected labels from the app.