Puzzle X is a android game application in which user can click a picture from camera and shuffle it and try to solve shuffled puzzle.
• It is a mystic square puzzle in which user has to rearrange scrambled image to
obtain original image.
• Puzzle-Solveris implemented using Priority Queue and A*-Algorithm with
Manhattan distance.
• High-Score is set based on minimum number of moves.
- Implemented in Android studio 1.3 using API 22.
- Back-end in JAVA and front-end in XML.
- User can capture using camera.
- User can choose among three levels of difficulty: 3x3 (Easy), 4x4 (Normal), and 5x5 (Hard).
- High-Score is based on minimum number of moves.
- Puzzle-Solver is implemented using Priority Queue and A*-Algorithm with Manhattan distance.
Screenshot of Applications: