cGPA Calculator for university students. This calculator is created by a ODTÜ|METU student, me.
So, the system used in this project is the form of AA/BA/BB/CB/CC/DC/DD/FD/FF
as used in ODTÜ.
is counted as 4 points, BB
is counted as 3 points, BA
is counted as 3.5 points, till the FF
which is counted as 0 point.
First, compile the gpa.c file as below;
gcc gpa.c -o gpa
then to see how to use it, run it;
*Lütfen inputları şu *
*şekilde giriniz : *
*CourseName : *
*kredi_sayısı harfNotu,*
* ':' ve ',' unutmayın *
*en sona ise ',' yerine*
* '.' (nokta) koyunuz *
Important : Please type FF
instead of NA
as input.
Input >>
CENG140 : 4 AA,
CENG384 : 3 DC,
MATH119 : 5 BB.
Output >>
*By Miraç Akif Merttürk*
*Lütfen inputları şu *
*şekilde giriniz : *
*CourseName : *
*kredi_sayısı harfNotu,*
* ':' ve ',' unutmayın *
*en sona ise ',' yerine*
* '.' (nokta) koyunuz *
CENG140 : 4 AA,
CENG384 : 3 DC,
MATH119 : 5 BB.
* *
*CENG140 : AA - 4 kredi*
*CENG384 : DC - 3 kredi*
*MATH119 : BB - 5 kredi*
* *
* cGPA = 2.96 ! *
* *
******* AŞMIŞSIN *******
If you want to use a file as inputand save it for the later usage, then create a .txt
file, save the input values in that file,
and then type the following command;
./gpa < input-file-name.txt
That's it!