An agentless pipeline build relying on an S2I image. The build runs in jenkins (agent none) and creates if required the sub-build using s2i. Then the build is monitored and when finished, it tags and deploy the app.
To allow the Jenkins pipeline to create the projects for staging, uat and prod, we need to:
oc new-project php-simple-app-cicd
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner system:serviceaccount:php-simple-app-cicd:jenkins
# oc create secret generic git-repo-secret --from-literal=username=user --from-literal=password=password
oc create secret generic git-repo-secret --from-file=ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
oc new-build --name=php-simple-app-pipeline --strategy=pipeline \
oc env bc php-simple-app-pipeline GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true
oc create configmap jenkins-approval-scripts --from-file=scriptApproval.xml
oc set volume --add dc/jenkins -t configmap --mount-path=/var/lib/jenkins/scriptApproval.xml \
--sub-path=scriptApproval.xml --configmap-name=jenkins-approval-scripts \