- Set up the dependencies - AI Safety Grid Worlds, Pycolab, Abseil-py
- Set up the path for AI Safety Grid Worlds
- Install the Abseil package
pip install absl-py
- Install Pycolab from source
git clone (pycolab git directory)
python setup.py install
- Get the AI Safety Grid Worlds and set up python path to it
export PYTHONPATH=/example/path/to/folder/conaining/ai-safety/gridwordls/
- Install the Abseil package
pip install absl-py
- Install Pycolab from source
python setup.py install
You should be able to see the environment now
python path\ai_safety_gridworlds\environments\absent_supervisor.py
- Get the AI Safety Grid Worlds and set up python path to it
set PYTHONPATH=C:\Users\Example\path\to\folder\containing\ai-safety\gridwordls\
You can now run the run.py file from this repository to compute the Q-values
No module named '__curses'
pip install windows-curses