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El Patrón

Application to manage pools of locks. Read more about pools and locks here

Deploy to Kubernetes using helm

  1. Create a Github OAuth App:
    • Homepage URL must be root of whatever domain you use
    • Authorization callback URL must be http://YOUR-DOMAIN/auth/page/github/callback
  2. Create a file (say el-patron-secrets.yml) with these values:
      authorizedTeam: <Github ORG/Team Name> # Members of this team will have access to El Patrón
      githubClientId: <OAuth client ID>
      githubClientSecret: <OAuth client secret>
      privateKey: <private key with rights to push to locks repo>
  3. Install using helm
helm install deploy/kubernetes/helm/el-patron --namespace el-patron -f el-patron-secrets.yml

Push to Cloud Foundry

  1. Create a Github OAuth App:
    • Homepage URL must be root of whatever domain you use
    • Authorization callback URL must be http://YOUR-DOMAIN/auth/page/github/callback
  2. Copy manifest.yml.exmaple to manifest.yml
  3. Fill in all the values in env in manifest.yml
  4. cf push <name>

Run locally

  1. Install stack
  2. Install elm
  3. Install create-elm-app
  4. Clone the code
  5. Build elm code
    cd el-patron/elm
    elm app build
    cd ..
  6. Build haskell code
    stack build
  7. Execute
    stack exec el-patron \
    --remote \
    --private-key /ssh/id_rsa \
    --github-client-secret <GITHUB-CLIENT-SECRET> \
    --github-client-id <GITHUB-CLIENT_ID> \
    -t 'ORG/TEAM' \
    -e ./elm/build