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Algorithms and Data Structures Project - DEISIFLIX.


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Project Description

The goal of this project is to develop a Java application that can perform queries over a movie database where the focus is efficiency. The movie database is composed of files in CSV format.

Database Files (Input)

The program input is split into 4 distinct CSV files. Each line in all of the 4 files contains data about a specific movie.

File Name Description Line Format
deisi_movies.txt Contains basic movie data <Movie_ID>,<Title>,<Duration>,<Budget>,<Date>
deisi_movie_votes.txt Contains data related to movie votes according to the IMDB platform <Movie_ID>,<Average_Votes>,<Total_Votes>
deisi_people.txt Contains data about movie related people <Person_Type>,<Person_ID>,<Name>,<Gender>,<Movie_ID>
deisi_genres.txt Contains data about movie genres <Genre_Name>,<Movie_ID>

Components: 'deisi_movies.txt'

Component Type
Movie_ID Non-negative Integer
Title String
Duration Real Number
Budget Integer
Date String with format 'DD-MM-YYYY'

File format example

603,The Matrix,136,63000000,30-03-1999
76341,Mad Max: Fury Road,150000000,120,13-05-2015
999999,ULHT Movie School,0,0,01-01-2001,0
770,Gone with the Wind, 238,4000000,15-12-1939
6978,Big Trouble in Little China,99, 25000000,30-05-1986
1995,Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, 100,115000000 ,11-06-2001

Components: 'deisi_movie_votes.txt'

Component Type
Movie_ID Non-negative Integer
Average_Votes Real Number
Total_Votes Non-negative Integer

File format example


Components: 'deisi_people.txt'

Component Type
Person_Type String ('ACTOR' or 'DIRECTOR')
Person_ID Non-negative Integer
Name String
Gender Char ('M' - Male, 'F' - Female, '-' - N/A)
Movie_ID Non-negative Integer

File format example

ACTOR,11701,Angelina Jolie,F,1995
ACTOR,6384,Keanu Reeves,M,603
ACTOR,11701,Angelina Jolie,F,10428
ACTOR,6856,Kurt Russell,M,6978
ACTOR,2109,Kim Cattrall,F,6978
DIRECTOR,12786,Simon West,-,1995
DIRECTOR,9339,Lilly Wachowski,-,603
DIRECTOR,9340,Lana Wachowski,-,603
DIRECTOR,1978,Iain Softley,-,10428
DIRECTOR,96372,Tom Clegg,M,69787

Components: 'deisi_genres.txt'

Component Type
Genre_Name String
Movie_ID Non-negative Integer

File format example

Science Fiction,603
Science Fiction,76341


If for each line of any of the files the number of components of that line does not correspond to the expected number, then that line should be ignored.
Additionally, each line may contain extra spaces between the components, these should be ignored (i.e. they should be treated as if they did not exist).

Database Queries

Below are all the queries that can be performed on the movie database.

Query Description
COUNT_MOVIES_ACTOR <Actor_Full_Name> Returns the number of movies an actor has participated in. If the actor does not exist 0 is returned.
GET_MOVIES_ACTOR_YEAR <Actor_Full_Name> <Year> Returns the movies in which a given actor took part in a certain year in descending order.
Output format: <Movie_Title> <Date>.
Note: Date format should be 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
COUNT_MOVIES_WITH_ACTORS <Actor1_Full_Name>;<Actor2_Full_Name>;... Returns the number of movies in which all the given actors took part in.
COUNT_ACTORS_3_YEARS <Year1> <Year2> <Year3> Returns the number of actors which participated in movies in all 3 given years.
TOP_MOVIES_WITH_GENDER_BIAS <Output_Amount> <Year> Returns the N (given number) movies from year Y (given year) with the greatest percentual discrepancy by descending order.
Note: Only movies with more than 10 actors/actresses should be taken into account.
Output Format: <Movie_Title>;<Gender>;<Percentual_Discrepancy>.
GET_RECENT_TITLES_SAME_AVG_VOTES_ONE_SHARED_ACTOR <Movie_ID> Returns the titles of the movies with the same average votes as the given one that were made after it and have at least 1 common actor.
Output Format: <Movie1_Title>||<Movie2_Title>||<Movie3_Title>....
GET_TOP_N_YEARS_BEST_AVG_VOTES <Output_Amount> Returns the top N (given number) years with the best average votes (from all movies from each year).
Output Format: <Year>:<Average_Votes>.
Note: The output average votes should have no more than 2 decimal places.
DISTANCE_BETWEEN_ACTORS <Actor1_Full_Name> <Actor2_Full_Name> Returns the distance level between 2 actors. If the both actors took part in the same movie the level is 0. If they do not have a shared movie but there is a third actor that has been part of movies with actor1 and actor2, the level should be 1. In all other cases the return should be :(.
GET_TOP_N_MOVIES_RATIO <Output_Amount> <Year> Returns the top N movies with from the given year with the best ratio (Average Votes / Number of Actors).
Output Format: <Title>:<Ratio>. If there are no results the return value should be zerop.
TOP_6_DIRECTORS_WITHIN_FAMILY <Year1> <Year2> Returns 6 directors that directed the most movies with family members in the given year range. If there are no results, it should return NEM UM.
Output Format: <Director_Name>:<Number_of_Family_Directions>
Note: Are considered family directions whenever the last name of at least 2 directors from the same movie are equal.
GET_TOP_ACTOR_YEAR <Year> Returns the actor with most movie appearances for the given year.
Output Format: <Actor_Name>:<Number_of_Movies>.
INSERT_ACTOR <ID>;<Name>;<Gender>;<Movie_ID> Inserts an actor. The inserted actor should be taken into account in future queries.
Returns OK on success and Erro on error.
REMOVE_ACTOR <Actor_ID> Removes an actor. The removed actor must no longer appear in future queries.
Returns OK on success and Erro on error.
GET_DUPLICATE_LINES_YEAR <Year> Returns all the duplicate lines from deisi_people.txt file for movies from the given year. If there are no results for the query it must return an empty string.
Output Format: <Line_Number>:<Person_ID>:<Movie_ID>.
Note: Its considered a duplicate line every time the same actor ID appears linked to the same movie more than 1 time.
TOP_10_MOST_EXPENSIVE_MOVIES_YEAR <Year> Returns the top 10 most expensive movies from the given year.
Output Format: <Movie_Title> - Budget: $<Movie_Budget>.

Program Interface - UX

Once the program starts the user will be presented with the message Bem vindo ao DEISIFLIX. After that the user can start executing the queries in the CLI.
The program will run until the user decides to quit by writing QUIT in the terminal.

Program Usage - Example

Example program usage for the query TOP_10_MOST_EXPENSIVE_MOVIES_YEAR 2014.

Detailed Program Usage


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