- This repo is for Survey of Programming Languages Fall 2021 semester.
- This is a link to our final report on Ruby on Rails language: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sUjYJY2kjMWYn6TcmObHMbouopz6AR3gXHbI-f2pI0k/edit?usp=sharing
- This is a link to our presentation on Ruby on Rails: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ckFwONWsPZHpLU6E5zZqI8U04vT4EN3dfw_80sTSU3Q/edit?usp=sharing
- Install the latest versions of dependecies - Ruby ( atleast version 3.0.0 and above), rails (version 6.1.3 and above) , node (version 14.15.1 and above) and yarn ( version 1.22.10 and above)
- Install bootstrap and popperjs as they are mandetory dependecy:
- Open command prompt
- Run command - yarn add bootstrap@5.0.0-beta2
- Run command - yarn add @popperjs/core@2.0.0-alpha.1
- Pull from github - either extract from zip or git clone
- Go to any Ruby IDE of your choice. Some options are RubyMine, Atom , Visual Studio Code
- Open the Movie-Rating_App folder
- open terminal inside your IDE or cmd in windows and navigate to the root folder
- Run command - bundle install. This will install any missing gem files
- Once all required gems are installed. Go back to the command prompt that is cd into the project folder or the terminal in your IDE and type, 'rails s' to start the server. This will provide access to the application on localhost, port 3000
- Open browser of your choice and type http://localhost:3000 in your address bar. Press enter.
- Movie Review App will open inside your browser.