This is a React Admin Dashboard built with ReactJS, Syncfusion UI, and Tailwind CSS. It includes theming support, tables, charts, a calendar, and a Kanban board for managing tasks and projects.
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies with:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
- Start the development server with:
npm run dev
- Open
in your browser
- ReactJS : A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Context API : React feature for passing data down the component tree without explicit props drilling
- Syncfusion UI : A set of UI components for React with support for theming, tables, charts, and more
- Tailwind CSS : A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs
- Responsive UI design with theming support
- DataTables with sorting, filtering, and pagination
- Charts with multiple chart types and customization options
- Calendar with events and customization options
- Kanban board for managing tasks and projects
- Dynamic routing with React Router
- State management with Context API