Text to MIDI converter
This little tool called txt2mid takes a text file as input and outputs a MIDI file with the exact same name + ".mid". The text file has to be written with some simple rules which are described below.
stands for one blank space
N <esp> date <esp> octave <esp> note <esp> velocity <esp> duration <esp> track
- 0 <= note <= 11
- 0 <= velocity <= 127
- the track number begins with 1 (and not with 0)
- date and duration use this rule : quarter note = 240
C <esp> date <esp> cc <esp> value <esp> track
- 0 <= cc <= 127
- 0 <= value <= 127
- same other settings as for the notes
P <esp> date <esp> value <esp> track
- 0 <= value <= 16383 (middle = 8192)
works with a pitch bend range of 200 cents
H <esp> date <esp> frequency <esp> velocity <esp> duration <esp> track
- 30 <= frequency in Hz <= 8346
- same other settings as for the notes
_ commentaire bla bla bla _
Have to be at the very begining of the text file
- let use the spectral notation developed by Jamil Alioui