uses watchdog (fswatch) + orgtools (trivial table parsing) + ftplib to sync (potentially modified versions of) files to a server over ftp. needs a custom html page for each list. why ftp? because i have a cheap server on shared hosting and that's what's available to me.
inspired by
this is still a hack, but it replaces three previous incarnations that are all much worse hacks:
- (previously called by incron on bigpanda)
- (just move files into webmirror insteda)
- lists/*.py (just edit the tables in their files directly)
creates two watchdog observers:
- one to watch my org text directories and process files into something readable by a simple web app, writing to webmirror
- one to watch the webmirror directory and upload via ftp to website
it may not be as good as the ultimate solution of doing everything in org:
- trigger on save
- export to html with template
- template includes js/css
- upload automatically
but it seems like emacs doesn't really handle uploading in a reasonable way, which means i'll end up needing fswatch one way or another. plus i want it to work for any filetype, including stuff i don't edit in emacs. this may be the best solution.
cp net.alanbernstein.fswatch.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/.
launchctl load net.alanbernstein.fswatch.plist
launchctl start net.alanbernstein.fswatch
then, modify the config and the ProcessorHandler methods as necessary