##npm start
#Back Home
Although there are systems in place to track and help recover lost pets, I saw the need for a simpler and easier to access tool, in this scenario, upon finding the animal the person will find instructions to the web app on the dog colar, perharps on the future a QRCode that will lead the person straigh to the corresponding animal, where upon entering the safe tag for the animal the owner contact information will be displayed.
The safe-tag system was created to protect the pet owners from having their contact information leaked in case someone type a randon number that could eventually belong to a dog registered on our data-base.
After entering the tag number, located on the front of the dog colar, the dog information will be displayed, to proceed the person need to enter the safe-tag, which is located on the inside of the colar, this step will require the person to actually have access to the animal, minimazing the chances of scam.
Back Home will continue to evolve and move towards its only goal, Be an easy to access tool helping lost pets get back to their beloved family.
Alan T. Matos Back Home - NY - 2022