Example of a custom attribute for the article Create a custom Symfony Normalizer for mapping values.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d
docker exec attribute_article composer install
docker exec attribute_article vendor/bin/phpunit
use Snowcap\Emarsys\Client;
use Snowcap\Emarsys\CurlClient;
$httpClient = new CurlClient();
$client = new Client($httpClient, EMARSYS_API_USERNAME, EMARSYS_API_SECRET);
class ContactDto
#[Emarsys(id: '1')]
private ?string $firstname = null;
#[Emarsys(id: '2')]
private ?string $lastname = null;
#[Emarsys(id: '3')]
private ?string $email = null;
#[Emarsys(id: '46', type: Emarsys::TYPE_SINGLE_CHOICES, mapping: ['1' => 'MALE', '2' => 'FEMALE', '6' => 'DIVERS'])]
private ?string $salutation = null;
#[Emarsys(id: '100674', type: Emarsys::TYPE_SINGLE_CHOICES, mapping: ['1' => true, '2' => false])]
private ?bool $marketingInformation = null;
/* getter and setter */
// Request handling: Create request
$crmMappingService = new CrmMappingService();
$fields = $crmMappingService->normalize($contactDto);
"1" => "Jane",
"2" => "Doe",
"3" => "jane.doe@example.com",
"46" => "2",
"100674" => "1"
use Snowcap\Emarsys\Client;
use Snowcap\Emarsys\CurlClient;
$httpClient = new CurlClient();
$client = new Client($httpClient, EMARSYS_API_USERNAME, EMARSYS_API_SECRET);
$response = $client->getContactData([3 => 'example@example.com']);
$fields = $response->getData();
"1" => "Jane",
"2" => "Doe",
"3" => "jane.doe@example.com",
"46" => "2",
"100674" => "1"
$crmMappingService = new CrmMappingService();
$contactDto = $crmMappingService->denormalize($fields, new ContactDto());
App\Dto\ContactDto Object
[firstname:App\Dto\ContactDto:private] => Jane
[lastname:App\Dto\ContactDto:private] => Doe
[email:App\Dto\ContactDto:private] => jane.doe@example.com
[salutation:App\Dto\ContactDto:private] => FEMALE
[marketingInformation:App\Dto\ContactDto:private] => 1