This will create a App.jar file in ./dist/
After you compiled the programm into ./dist/ run:
java -jar ./dist/App.jar
or simply execute:
You can pass parameters:
./start.sh --help
Usage: <main class> [-h] [-i=<file>] [-t=<outputFormat>]
-h, --help display this help message
-i, --input=<file> a file to convert
-t, --type=<outputFormat> the output format. Valid values: tgf, graphviz (default: graphviz)
This programm will convert graphs that are passed in the TGF format into either graphviz or the TGF format. :D
# Convert tgf to graphviz and output in terminal
./start.sh -i ./start.sh -i german-cities.tgf
# Convert and specify output type (default: graphviz)
./start.sh -i ./start.sh -i german-cities.tgf -t tgf
# Convert tgf and pipe output to graphviz dot command
./start.sh -i ./start.sh -i german-cities.tgf | dot -Tpng > output.png