Welcome to the source repo of Tour of Rust.
This project is meant to give an experienced programmer a swift introduction to Rust as an alternative to reading lengthy book style documentation.
- Chapter 1 - The Basics
- Chapter 2 - Basic Control Flow
- Chapter 3 - Basic Data Structure Types
- Chapter 4 - Generic Types
- Chapter 5 - Ownership & Borrowing Data
- Chapter 6 - Text
- Chapter 7 - Object Oriented Programming
- Chapter 8 - Smart Pointers
- Chapter 9 - Project Organization and Structure
Content goals:
- Chapter 1-4 should give you a strong taste of Rust's aesthetic
- Chapter 1-6 should give a person from C a good idea how their ideas translate
- Chapter 1-8 should give a person from C++ a good idea how their ideas translate
- Chapter 9+ should talk about Rust specific concepts that doesn't fit well into the above
This project also aims to provide this book in as many languages as possible.
- Deutsch - Felix, Ramin Azhdari
- English - Richard Anaya
- Español - Alba Martínez Martínez, (Tech review by Alberto Moreta and Fran Torres)
- Français - Mathieu Gemard, Vincent Foulon
- Interlingue - David MacLeod
- Magyar - Nemin32, Dániel Buga
- Português Brasileiro - Denstone
- Русский - Danil Kondratiev, Yuriy Larin
- 简体中文 - Tengfei Niu, Haizhi Geng
- 繁體中文 - kkpoon
- 日本語 - 7shi, Rossy, Yuji Sugiura, TaKO8Ki
- 한국어 - fermat39, Sungjin Han
If you would like to contribute translations in a language that doesn't exist yet. Feel free to make a PR!
Look for your appropriate appropriate language under the lessons
folder. Each chapter has its own file. You can modify an existing chapter's content or if there is one you'd like to translate from the english lessons, copy that chapter file over and modify it's content to your own language. Each page has various properties.
- title - this would be your localized page's title
- content_markdown - this would be your localized page's content as markdown using shodown markdown
- code (optional) - this would be your localized page's code. This is the "embedded link" generated from https://play.rust-lang.org/ when you hit the "Share" button. Be sure your run the "rustfmt" tool! If you don't provide code, a page will fallback onto an english version of code (if it exists).
- title: Capítulo 3 - Conclusión
content_markdown: |
¡Rust tiene algunos increíbles ** punteros **!
* A
* `let`
* C
code: https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2018&code=fn%20main()%20%7B%7D%0A
Lastly, there is a file for common words you should fill out your localized translations of for deeper experience of the site.
To run the site locally you need to install yq
. There are several projects with the name yq
, this
project uses this one.
Run yarn
to install javascript dependencies.
After installing the dependencies use make
to launch the site. You will need to restart the server every time
to see the changes you've made.
- Chapter 6 released on text in English, Occidental
- Chapter 5 released in French and Brazillian Portuguese
- Chapter 4 released in Chinese and Spanish
- Chapter 3 released in French
- Minor fixes
- Chapter 2 of Tour of WebAssembly released
- Chapter 5 released on ownership and sharing
- Chinese transalations chapter 1-3
- French translations for chapter 1-3
- Brazillian portuguese translations for chapter 2-4
- Spanish translations for chapter 3
- Starting new section for WebAssembly
- Chapter 4 released on generic data structures
- Spanish for Chapter 2
- Chapter 1 in brazillian portuguese
- Updates for german and russian
- New pages and rewrites and reordering
- Deutsch, English, Interlingue, Русский translations for chapter 2
- Spanish for chapter 1
- New markdown formatting for pages
- Deutsch, English, Interlingue, Русский translations for chapter 2
- Deutsch, Interlingue, Русский translations for chapter 1
- Domain name setup
- Mobile improvements
- Deeper localization capabilites of generator
- Chapter 1
This tutorial format and many of the examples were inspired by the wonderful Tour of Go