This repository aims to introduce to the PCA and EM statistical techniques, and take them into practice.
- Understand and apply statistical data mining techniques.
- Properly use statistical packages for data analysis.
- Understand and apply statistical techniques related to the operation of large volumes of data.
- Properly use statistical packages for this type of exploitation.
- To propose an adequate visualization of the analyzed information to facilitate understanding.
├── datasets <- An amount of data-sets used
├── notes <- Taken notes summarizing the EM and PCA tecniques
├── reports <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
│ └── img <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
├── em_analysis.R <- Expectation-Maximization Analysis script
├── pca_analysis.R <- Principal Component Analysis script
├── LICENSE <- MIT License
└── <- The top-level README for the interested using this project.