Nexter gives you info about TvShows you're watching, like the date of next episode and will create an event on your calendar of it.
Fed up of missing shows episode, I created this script which fetch on TvMaze the date and create in my calendar the event.
And, gives you info if there'll be another seasons or if the shows has been cancelled.
$ python3
Optional with parameters
$ python3 {path} {option(1,2,3)}
- option 1: show all tv series
- option 2: print just the running tv shows
- option 3: create an .ics file for each tv show having the date of the next episode, you have to manually open these file with your calendar app.
- I print some emoji in terminal (by kind of the show), this, could cause some problem if you haven't got any charset installer.
- I assume a good structure of your media library: root > show > seasons > episodes