Project done for the IHLT (Introduction to Human Language Technology) course (Master in Artificial Intelligence at UPC)
- Albert Rial
- Utku Ünal
This repository contains two different approaches to address the SemEval 2012 Task 6 (Semantic Textual Similarity) which consists in, given two pair of sentences, provide a similarity value between them. This task is also known as paraphrases detection. A paraphrase between two sentences or texts is when both have the same meaning using different words.
In the repository you can find the following files and folders:
sts-model.ipynb: jupyter notebook containing our first approach together with the explanations and results obtained.
sts-model-infersent.ipynb: another jupyter notebook where we have another approach that uses a pre-trained sentence embeddings model (InferSent).
sts-summary.pdf: PDF file containing a brief presentation about the work done, the approaches taken and all the results obtained.
train/test-gold: datasets of the STS competition provided in the subject and used for training and testing.
Important: In order to run the InferSent approach, it is needed the InferSent library, the fastText word embeddings dataset and a pre-trained model of InferSent.
The best result obtained is (pearson correlation between the gold-standard similarity values and the ones from our system): 82.46%. This result overpasses the result obtained by the winner of the SemEval 2012 competition.