C-learning is my personal personal repository where I cover the most basic C topics such as data manipulation, loops, structs, functions, macros and headers.
Basic data manipulation
- 01 - Character declaration
- 02 - String basics
- 03 - Assignment operators
- 04 - Equality operators
- 05 - Relational operators
- 06 - Logical operators
- 07 - Standard evaluation order
- 08 - Undefined evaluation order
- 09 - Loop basic
- 10 - Loop infinite
- 11 - Break and continue
String manipulation
- 12 - Character handling
- 13 - Character count
- 14 - Checking string sizes
- 15 - Copying strings
- 16 - String concatenation
- 17 - Reverse copying strings
- 18 - Occurrence finder
- 19 - String splitting
- 20 - String splitting into tokens (token extractor)
- 21 - String splitting into tokens when the occurrence is a string (token extractor)
- 22 - One-dimensional array
- 23 - Two-dimensional array
Memory allocation
- 24 - Sizeof
- 25 - Basic memory allocation
- 26 - Memory allocation with memset
- 27 - Basic struct
- 28 - Struct initialization
- 29 - Typedef
- 30 - Struct pointer
- 31 - Basic functions
- 32 - Function parameters
- 33 - Function using return
- 34 - Basic string functions
- 35 - String return functions
- 36 - Function returning string with parameters
- 37 - Function prototype
- 38 - Using define
- 39 - Define replacing with large code
- 40 - Define parameters
- 41 - Define multiple parameters
- 42 - Define using do while
- 43 - Basic includes
- 44 - Using headers - functions
- 45 - Using headers - static functions
Twitter: Albrechtcolia