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debug page for writing registers, similar to index.php which is for r…
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…eading registers (#148)
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aldas committed Jun 15, 2023
1 parent 17c6e5a commit 1b215f9
Showing 1 changed file with 314 additions and 0 deletions.
314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions examples/index_write.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@

use ModbusTcpClient\Network\BinaryStreamConnection;
use ModbusTcpClient\Packet\ModbusFunction\WriteMultipleRegistersRequest;
use ModbusTcpClient\Packet\RtuConverter;
use ModbusTcpClient\Utils\Endian;
use ModbusTcpClient\Utils\Packet;
use ModbusTcpClient\Utils\Types;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/logger.php';

// To allow Nginx/Apache to read that device add following udev rule
// echo 'KERNEL=="ttyUSB0", GROUP="www-data", MODE="0660"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ttyusb-acl.rules
// sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
$deviceURI = '/dev/ttyUSB0'; // do not make this changeable from WEB. This could be serious security risk.
$isSerialDevice = false; // change to true to enable reading serial devices. this will disable ip/port logic and uses RTU
if (getenv('MODBUS_SERIAL_ENABLED')) {
// can be set from Nginx/Apache fast-cgi conf
// for Nginx add these lines where you PHP is configured:
// fastcgi_param MODBUS_SERIAL_ENABLED true;
// fastcgi_param MODBUS_SERIAL_DEVICE /dev/ttyUSB0;
$isSerialDevice = filter_var(getenv('MODBUS_SERIAL_ENABLED'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
if ($isSerialDevice && getenv('MODBUS_SERIAL_DEVICE')) {
$deviceURI = getenv('MODBUS_SERIAL_DEVICE');
if ($isSerialDevice && stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0) {
echo 'Serial usb example can not be run on Windows!' . PHP_EOL;

// if you want to let others specify their own ip/ports for querying data create file named '.allow-change' in this directory
// NB: this is a potential security risk!!!
$canChangeIpPort = !$isSerialDevice && file_exists('.allow-change');
$ip = '';
$port = 502;
if ($canChangeIpPort) {
$ip = filter_var($_REQUEST['ip'] ?? '', FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) ? $_REQUEST['ip'] : $ip;
$port = (int)($_REQUEST['port'] ?? $port);

$isRTU = $isSerialDevice || filter_var($_REQUEST['rtu'] ?? false, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$unitId = (int)($_REQUEST['unitid'] ?? 0);
$startAddress = (int)($_REQUEST['address'] ?? 100);

$value = ($_REQUEST['value'] ?? 0);
$dataType = ($_REQUEST['type'] ?? 0);
$endianess = (int)($_REQUEST['endianess'] ?? Endian::BIG_ENDIAN_LOW_WORD_FIRST);
Endian::$defaultEndian = $endianess;

$v = null;
$error = null;
switch ($dataType) {
case 'uint8':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < 0 || $value > 255) {
$error = "valid range of uint8 is 0 to 255";
} else {
$v = Types::toByte($value);
if ($endianess & Endian::BIG_ENDIAN) {
$v = "\x00" . $v;
} else {
$v = $v . "\x00";
case 'int8':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < -128 || $value > 127) {
$error = "valid range of int8 is -128 to 127";
} else {
$v = Types::toByte($value);
if ($endianess & Endian::BIG_ENDIAN) {
$v = "\x00" . $v;
} else {
$v = $v . "\x00";
case 'uint16':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < 0 || $value > 65535) {
$error = "valid range of uint16 is 0 to 65535";
} else {
$v = Types::toUint16($value);
case 'int16':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < -32768 || $value > 32767) {
$error = "valid range of uint16 is -32768 to 32767";
} else {
$v = Types::toInt16($value);
case 'uint32':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < 0 || $value > 4294967295) {
$error = "valid range of uint32 is 0 to 4294967295";
} else {
$v = Types::toUint32($value);
case 'int32':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < -2147483648 || $value > 2147483647) {
$error = "valid range of int32 is -2147483648 to 2147483647";
} else {
$v = Types::toInt32($value);
case 'float32':
$value = (float)$value;
if ($value < -3.4e+38 || $value > 3.4e+38) {
$error = "valid range of float32 is -3.4e+38 to 3.4e+38";
} else {
$v = Types::toReal($value);
case 'uint64':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < 0 || $value > 9223372036854775807) {
$error = "valid range of uint64 is 0 to 9223372036854775807";
} else {
$v = Types::toUint64($value);
case 'int64':
$value = (int)$value;
if ($value < 0 || $value > 9223372036854775807) {
$error = "valid range of int64 is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807";
} else {
$v = Types::toInt64($value);
case 'float64':
$value = (double)$value;
if ($value < 1.7E-308 || $value > 1.7E+308) {
$error = "valid range of float64 is 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308";
} else {
$v = Types::toDouble($value);
$error = "invalid data type";

$startTime = round(microtime(true) * 1000, 3);
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $v !== null) {

$log = [];

$builder = BinaryStreamConnection::getBuilder()
->setConnectTimeoutSec(1.5) // timeout when establishing connection to the server
->setWriteTimeoutSec(1.0) // timeout when writing/sending packet to the server
->setReadTimeoutSec(1.0); // timeout when waiting response from server

$protocolType = "Modbus TCP";
if ($isRTU) {
$protocolType = "Modbus RTU";
$builder->setIsCompleteCallback(static function ($binaryData, $streamIndex): bool {
return Packet::isCompleteLengthRTU($binaryData);

if ($isSerialDevice) {
// delay this is crucial for some serial devices and delay needs to be long as 100ms (depending on the quantity)
// or you will experience read errors ("stream_select interrupted") or invalid CRCs
->setDelayRead(100_000); // 100 milliseconds
} else {

$connection = $builder->build();
$packet = new WriteMultipleRegistersRequest($startAddress, [$v], $unitId);
if ($isRTU) {
$packet = RtuConverter::toRtu($packet);
$log[] = 'Modbus RTU Packet to be sent (in hex): ' . unpack('H*', $packet)[1];
} else {
$log[] = 'Modbus TCP Packet to be sent (in hex): ' . $packet->toHex();
try {
$binaryData = $connection->connect()->sendAndReceive($packet);

$log[] = 'Binary received (in hex): ' . unpack('H*', $binaryData)[1];
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$result = null;
$log[] = 'An exception occurred';
$log[] = $exception->getMessage();
$log[] = $exception->getTraceAsString();
} finally {
$elapsed = round(microtime(true) * 1000) - $startTime;

<h2>Example Modbus TCP/RTU Write Multiple Registers (FC=16)</h2>
<form method="post">
Modbus TCP or RTU: <select name="rtu"<?php if ($isSerialDevice) {
echo ' disabled';
} ?>>
<option value="0" <?php if (!$isRTU) {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>Modbus TCP
<option value="1" <?php if ($isRTU) {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>Modbus RTU
<?php if ($isSerialDevice) {
echo "Device: {$deviceURI}<br>";
} else {
echo "IP: <input type=\"text\" name=\"ip\" value=\"{$ip}\"";
if (!$canChangeIpPort) {
echo ' disabled';
echo "><br>";
echo "Port: <input type=\"number\" name=\"port\" value=\"{$port}\"><br>";
} ?>
UnitID (SlaveID): <input type="number" min="0" max="247" name="unitid" value="<?php echo $unitId; ?>"><br>
Address: <input type="number" name="address" value="<?php echo $startAddress; ?>"> (NB: does your modbus server
documentation uses
`0` based addressing or `1` based?)<br>

Endianess: <select name="endianess" id="endianess">
<option value="1" <?php if ($endianess === 1) {
echo 'selected';
<option value="5" <?php if ($endianess === 5) {
echo 'selected';
<option value="2" <?php if ($endianess === 2) {
echo 'selected';
<option value="6" <?php if ($endianess === 6) {
echo 'selected';
Data type: <select name="type" id="data_type">
<option value="uint8" <?php if ($dataType === 'uint8') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>uint8/byte/char (1 Register, 1 byte)
<option value="int8" <?php if ($dataType === 'int8') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>int8 (1 Register, 1 byte)
<option value="uint16" <?php if ($dataType === 'uint16') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>uint16 (1 Register, 2 bytes)
<option value="uint16" <?php if ($dataType === 'uint16') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>int16 (1 Register, 2 bytes)
<option value="uint32" <?php if ($dataType === 'uint32') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>uint32 (2 Registers, 4 bytes)
<option value="int32" <?php if ($dataType === 'int32') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>int32 (2 Registers, 4 bytes)
<option value="float32" <?php if ($dataType === 'float32') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>float32/float/real (2 Registers, 4 bytes)
<option value="uint64" <?php if ($dataType === 'uint64') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>uint64 (4 Registers, 8 bytes)
<option value="int64" <?php if ($dataType === 'int64') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>int64 (4 Registers, 8 bytes)
<option value="float64" <?php if ($dataType === 'float64') {
echo 'selected';
} ?>>float64/double (4 Registers, 8 bytes)
Value: <input name="value" type="number" step="any" id="value" value="<?php echo $value; ?>">
<?php if ($v !== null) {
echo "(as hex: <input name=\"hex\" id=\"hex\" value=\"" . bin2hex($v) . "\" disabled>)<br>";
} ?>

<button type="submit">Send</button>
<?php if ($error) {
echo $error;
<h2>Debug info</h2>
foreach ($log as $m) {
echo $m . PHP_EOL;
Time <?php echo $elapsed ?> ms
Page generated: <?php echo date('c') ?>

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