Install qibuild
Get a toolchain (See here for a list of supported architectures)
qitoolchain create --feed-name <feed-name> <toolchain-name> git://
<toolchain-name> : name give to tool chain
is the basename of one of the feeds infeeds/
, without the.xml
If you want to build for android, you should install the NDK and set the following environment variables:
ANDROID_HOME /path/to/adt-bundle-linux/sdk # don't forget the 'sdk' ANDROID_NDK_HOME /path/to/android-ndk-r8e
Create a build config matching this toolchain:
qibuild add-config <config-name> -t <toolchain-name>
Fetch the sources:
mkdir -p ~/work/aldebaran cd ~/work/aldebaran qisrc init
Configure and build
bindings:cd sdk/libqi-java/jni qibuild configure -c <config-name> qibuild make -c <config-name>
Copy (or create symlinks) so that the qimessaging native libs are treated as resources
For instance, on linux, you should copy
If you are not building for android, you can now run the tests with maven
mvn test
To use the libqi Java bindings in an other maven project, run:
mvn install -DskipTests=true # use -f pom-android.xml if relevant
For Android arm, you have to choose android-arm configuration. The first time create the configuration
cd ~/work/aldebaran/sdk/libqi-java qitoolchain create --feed-name android-arm android-arm git://
- On each compilation
cd ~/work/aldebaran/sdk/libqi-java/jni qibuild configure --release -c android-arm qibuild make -j4 -c android-arm mkdir -p ../qimessaging/lib/armeabi-v7a mkdir -p /tmp/libqi-java/android-arm/ qibuild install --runtime -c android-arm
cd /tmp/libqi-java/android-arm/
for file in $(find -name *.so) do
cp $file ~/work/aldebaran/sdk/libqi-java/qimessaging/lib/armeabi-v7a
cd ~/work/aldebaran/sdk/libqi-java rm -rf /tmp/libqi-java/android-arm/ cp -f jni/build-android-arm/sdk/lib/ qimessaging/lib/armeabi-v7a cd qimessaging mvn install -DskipTests=true # use -f pom-android.xml version=$(cat pom-android.xml | grep -oPm1 "(?<=<version>)[^<]+") zip -r target/libqi-java-$version.jar lib/