Spotlight is a webapp for sharing music using Spotify's collaborative playlists. It currently runs here. This repository has the source code along with instructions for running locally. The app can also be easily to deployed as a Docker image, including on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
go get -u DEP
- Update code to use new dependency
godep save
- Spotify account
- Go 1.7 or newer
- MySQL 5.6 or newer
- Git
Running locally for the first time requires some manual setup.
Step 0, create a Spotify application in Spotify's developer portal.
Step 1, decide where to keep this repository locally:
export SPOTLIGHT_ROOT=/Users/you/spotlight
Step 2, clone the repo this that directory:
git clone .
Step 3, create a development config file based on the sample template:
cp app/config/sample-development.yaml app/config/development.yaml
# Open up development.yaml and replace all the `REPLACE_ME` values.
vim app/config/development.yaml
Step 4, create a new database in MySQL and manually create the schema:
sudo mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE spotlight_development;
mysql> USE spotlight_development;
mysql> [paste contents of app/model/migrations/v001_initial_schema.sql]
ENVIRONMENT=development go run main.go -stderrthreshold=INFO
Then, open a browser to http://localhost:8989.
Spotlight can be easily run in AWS using Elastic Beanstalk. RDS MySQL may be used as a datastore.
To create a build artifact to deploy as zip file:
rm; zip -r .
TODO: complete instructions.
This source code is open source through the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for full details or this helpful summary.