composer require alecrabbit/php-console-colour
$themes = new Themes();
echo $themes->red('This text is red.') . PHP_EOL;
echo $themes->underlinedBold('This text is underlined and bold.') . PHP_EOL;
Basically methods of this class just applying corresponding escape sequences to $text
// "\033[2;3mThis text is dark and italic.\033[0m"
$colorized = $themes->darkItalic('This text is dark and italic.')
Note: not all methods could be listed.
* @method comment(string $text)
* @method error(string $text)
* @method info(string $text)
* @method yellow(string $text)
* @method red(string $text)
* @method green(string $text)
* @method cyan(string $text)
* @method magenta(string $text)
* @method italic(string $text)
* @method bold(string $text)
* @method dark(string $text)
* @method darkItalic(string $text)
* @method white(string $text)
* @method whiteBold(string $text)
* @method underlined(string $text)
* @method underlinedBold(string $text)
* @method underlinedItalic(string $text)
Note: new methods will be added. Pull requests are welcomed.
How to extend?
Note: actual colors depend on your terminal color scheme