Spanish translation of Swarmwise from Rick Falkvigne
Original English Version(pdf)
- Don't translate index pages 5 to 8
- Don't give text any format, use plain text
- Use the glossary when in doubt of a term
- If a paragraph ends in the following page translate the entire paragraph in the same page
- If a paragraph starts in the previous page ignore it
- Use "`" to enclose italic text
- Look here if there is something to do in
- Assign your self to the card and move it to Doing.
- Translate using one of the methods listed below.
- Move the card to Done when you are ready.
Choose a page, translate it and send me an email with the translation.
When using git put your translation in the book/to-translate folder
Create an account or login on Github and edit the file on-line.
- Fork the repository
- Translate one page at a time
- Create a Pull Request
Files Chapter_I.txt and Chapter_II.txt are copies from: