- caffeine: Disable screen saver and any other power management feature.
- cisco anyconnect: VPN connection management.
- dropbox: The dropbox daemon.
- firefox: Default web browser.
- spotify: You know. Music player.
- autorandr: Automatically restore monitors configuration.
- clipit: A lightweight clipboard manager.
- compton: A lightweight compositor for X. To add support to transparency, shadows, effect, etc.
- dex: A DesktopEntry executor.
- dunst: A lightweight notification daemon.
- flameshot: A screenshots tool
- gpick: A screen color picker.
- gromit-mpx: An on-screen annotation tool (draw directly on the screen).
- i3: The best windows manager.
- i3blocks: An i3 status bar.
- i3lock-fancy: A fancy lockscreen.
- Nerd Fonts: A must have set of fonts.
- nitrogen: A lightweight desktop background manager.
- peek: An lightweight screen recorder (GIF).
- rofi: A nice application launcher (window switcher, run dialog, ssh-launcher and drun replacement).
- screenkey: A screencast tool to display your keys on screen.
- screenruler: A graphical ruler to measure objects on screen.
- SimpleScreenRecorder: A simple screen recorder (MP4).
- xsettingsd: A lightweight xsettings daemon (provide settings like anti-aliasing and font hinting).
- autojump: A faster way to navigate regular visited directories.
- bat: A better cat, more, less in general.
- catimg: Terminal image printing tool.
- delta: A better diff.
- fd: A better find.
- ffmpegthumbnailer: A tool for creating video thumbnails.
- fish shell: The best command line shell.
- fisher: A fish shell plugins manager.
- fzf: An awesome fuzzy logic finder.
- glow: very nice HTML terminal renderer.
- ImageMagick: A tool for displaying, creating, converting, modifying, and editing raster images.
- mdless: A better less for markdown files.
- nnn: A nice files manager.
- pdftoppm(poppler): A tool for pdf thumbnails.
- scrot: A terminal screen capturing application.
- the fuck: The faster way to correct errors in previous terminal commands.
- tmux-tpm: A tmux plugins manager.
- tmux: A terminal multiplexer.
- w3m: A terminal web browser.
- xclip: A terminal interface to the clipboard.
- xterm: A good enough terminal emulator.
- vim-gtk3: A nice text editor (with support to python, clipboard, etc).
- abook: An address book for (neo)mutt.
- davmail: Integration with Exchange email servers.
- mbsync: A mailboxes syncronizer.
- neomutt: email client.
- notmuch: A really fast mail indexer.
- cargo: Rust build system and package management.
- ccache: C and C++ compiler cache.
- cgdb: A GDB curses terminal front end.
- clang: A C and C++ compiler.
- gdb: Default debugger.
- git: Git client.
- julia: The Julia programming language compiler and package manager.
- lazygit: A nice Git front end.
- nodejs: A JavaScript runtime environment.
- npm: A NodeJS package manager.
- nvm: A NodeJS version switcher.
- rustc: The Rust compiler.
- yarn: A NodeJS package manager.
- python: The Python language interpreters.
- pip: A Python package manager.
- Pygments: A Python syntax highlighter (GDB dashboard).