This Python Notebook creates word clouds using text information from the two users whatsapp chat.
- The chat text is downloaded from whatsapp using the "Export Chat" option and selecting "Download Without Media".
The information uploaded from the .txt file must be modified in order to get only the users data and their chats.
- Drop the rows with line breaks
- Split columns
- Drop columns with URL data
- Remove time information
- Remove rows with the mesagge "Media omitted"
Three .txt files are created
- Text information for both users
- Text information for User 1
- Text information for User 2
A list of stop words is uploaded. In this case, using the spanish language.
The word clouds are created using StyleCloud library
- Both users
- User 1
- User 2
Word Cloud Icon can be changed using the list available at W3 Schools Website
- Text analysis for Groups and Communities